Who is going to read the books now that the finale is out?

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I’m half way through the second book

It gets better…. And the first was good

More than halfway done with the second book. There's some real WTF? material there.

It’s next on my list. If i recall correctly season 1 is half of book one so you’ll be ready for season 2.

It might take a while to get S2 so I might have to just read the books instead. 😂

I read them a while back but might do a re-read now! There's a lot of content yet to be covered in the show.

Also halfway through the second book! Seems quite popular :)

::: spoiler spoiler ___I actually like they made Bernard more agreeable in the tv series. I wonder if that sprint he did to IT in the final episode was him turning off the visor view for Juliette. :::