A tutorial about throwing tuning systems out of the window :P

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Creative prompts: Your own arbitrary tuning system


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At some point I got frustrated by the fact that all the keyboards and 99% music software was only able to play in 12TET. There are tools like scala files and MPE, but I find them fastidious to work with. The predominance of our tuning system has become a huge burden, I realized.

My first step to get into microtonal music was to buy a harp, so that I could tune each string individually, and just tune it however I want. In this video I share a bit about the process, and how you could do it too, and also how to make your own harp if you want to..

My presentation skills are not quite good, but I also did not want to try be someone I am not in the video I hope this inspires at least someone out there 😀

If the wind blows in my favour, I will make several more videos of different microtonal practices and techniques for inspiration