What is something small that you do that confuses other people whenever they see you doing it?

Mine is that I pour the milk before the cereal. people are always extremely confused by that.

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When I order plain soda water at the bar.

Bartender here. That's not weird to me at all.

Out of curiosity then... what are the weirdest things you've had someone ask for?

Anything that mixes alcohol and milk, see vodka paralyzer.

I beg your pardon Sir and/or Madam, but a properly made 'White Russian' tastes like suckling the breast milk of Venus herself.

Someone ordered a Baccardi and Grey Goose. Yes, a rum and vodka. No mixer. When I asked why they said something about Kanye West rapping about it. I said no.

I pick all my drinks by their lyrical scheme.

That funky monkey