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If the logic of copyright/trademark/IP law applied to everything, what's the most peculiar possible implication you can think of for it?

If the logic of copyright/trademark/IP law applied to everything, what's the most peculiar possible implication you can think of for it?

Was thinking of this after a conversation I had on a thread about dreams. Someone joked “I was dreaming of the events of The Matrix, then I was woken up by someone worried my dream was infringing the Wachowski’s copyrights”, and it turned into a whole train of thought in my mind, like violating IP law because you stole fire from Zeus which was his intellectual property.

What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?

What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?

What are the Top 3 TV Shows that define your (personal) youth?

What are the Top 3 TV Shows that define your (personal) youth?

What weird false belief did you have as a kid?

What weird false belief did you have as a kid?

How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?

How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?

To those from the Western hemisphere, it’s always fascinating to hear that some homes and businesses from the times of the Greek philosophers still have inhabitants, and then you remember that the Western hemisphere is itself not without its own examples, for example some Mexican villages still have temples from the times of the Mayans.

Is there is any interesting free Json Feeds/ Apis?

Is there is any interesting free Json Feeds/ Apis?

cross-posted from:

I'm familiar with RSS, but I'm becoming increasingly passionate about JSON Feeds. This leads me to ask:

Besides NPR News, are there any other interesting JSON Feeds to follow?

Side Note: If this isn't the right community for this question, please guide me to a more appropriate one.

Where do the rural homeless near you live?

Where do the rural homeless near you live?

This seems to be something people don’t always give second thought to. When people talk about the homeless, the first things thought about are images of people on busy city streets in rusty clothes waiting around near allies. In there, the answer is quite static, because it can be I guess. But if that’s the case, change the setting and that changes too. In the places where I’ve lived, people often needed that mapped out. Where are they known in your rural locales?

Mistakenly bought a SAS Drive

Mistakenly bought a SAS Drive


Bought a spare super cheap used 3TB drive a year ago, and just figured out it's not a SATA but a SAS drive.

How fucked am I? What can I do more than using it as a paperweight?
