What is the largest file transfer you have ever done?

I'm writing a program that wraps around dd to try and warn you if you are doing anything stupid. I have thus been giving the man page a good read. While doing this, I noticed that dd supported all the way up to Quettabytes, a unit orders of magnitude larger than all the data on the entire internet.

This has caused me to wonder what the largest storage operation you guys have done. I've taken a couple images of hard drives that were a single terabyte large, but I was wondering if the sysadmins among you have had to do something with e.g a giant RAID 10 array.

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I used to work in the same industry. We transferred several PBs from West US to Australia using Aspera via thick AWS pipes. Awesome software.

Hahahah did you enjoy Australian Internet? It's wonderfully archaic

(MPS, Delux, Gofilex or Qubewire?)