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YSK: some common medications can make you more susceptible to heat exhaustion and heat stroke

YSK: some common medications can make you more susceptible to heat exhaustion and heat stroke

Some of the medications include:

  • Antidepressants
  • Antihistamines
  • Stimulants
  • Beta blockers
  • Diuretics
  • ACE inhibitors
  • Thyroid medication
  • Antipsychotics

Be sure to pay extra attention to any symptoms of heat exhaustion, stay hydrated, and in a cool area indoors when possible during heat waves.

YSK: About The Sad bastard Cookbook, when time, energy, money, or skill is preventing someone from cooking their own meals!

YSK: About The Sad bastard Cookbook, when time, energy, money, or skill is preventing someone from cooking their own meals!

Open link in next tab

The Sad Bastard Cookbook by tRaum Books

by Rachel A. Rosen and Zilla Novikov || Food you can make so you don't die.

The Sad Bastard Cookbook by tRaum Books
Toilet-specific plungers get the job done faster with way less effort and mess

Toilet-specific plungers get the job done faster with way less effort and mess

YSK rice commonly contains arsenic, but most of it can be removed by boiling in water (4:1 ratio) for 5 minutes, and discarding that water before starting the regular cook cycle.

YSK rice commonly contains arsenic, but most of it can be removed by boiling in water (4:1 ratio) for 5 minutes, and discarding that water before starting the regular cook cycle.

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YSK: It's possible to get search results from Google without the annoying 'AI' answers at the top

YSK: It's possible to get search results from Google without the annoying 'AI' answers at the top

Already getting sick of seeing 'AI' results at the top of a search when all you want is a link to a site?

I just discovered this article showing a way to not see it (although it doesn't disable it altogether).


  • In Chrome open settings menu, choose Search engine on left menu and scroll down to site search
  • Click Add button and choose a name (eg Old Google, Google Web or whatever)
  • Add a shortcut word (eg web, og, or whatever)
  • Add this URL string:
  • Save that, and now if you search for something and use the shortcut word you set you'll just get proper results, no 'AI' shown
  • Or, if you don't want to have to add a shortcut word, you just make that search your default (use the 3 dot menu next to the name you set) and all searches will show that way, no shortcut word needed.

EDIT - meant to add that there are detailed instructions for Edge, Firefox and Safari in the article if you don't use Chrome

Hope that helps someone - I really don't like all that extra nonsense when I just want a link to a site that I know exists!

[Obligatory - "or don't use Chrome/Google...", I know - but people do, so this might be useful]

YSK to lose weight, fill up with foods low in caloric density and high in fiber, like fruits and vegetables. This can trigger satiety without the overload of calories and beats going hungry long term.

YSK to lose weight, fill up with foods low in caloric density and high in fiber, like fruits and vegetables. This can trigger satiety without the overload of calories and beats going hungry long term.

Why YSK: many countries have issues with weight, such as mine with 74% of US adults being overweight or obese. The global weight loss industry is over $200 billion yearly, with many influencers, pills, and surgeries promising quick results with little effort. These often come with side effects, or don't work long term.

Studies suggest filling yourself with foods low in caloric density and high in fiber, like fruits and vegetables, can help reach and maintain a healthy weight. It's good to have these foods available in our living spaces to make the choice easy. Your taste buds will likely adapt to love them if you're not there yet.

YSK that some Lemmy apps and web interfaces allow you to filter keywords

YSK that some Lemmy apps and web interfaces allow you to filter keywords

Posting this here as there a few threads popping on the topic

On the app side, the following allow to filter keywords:

  • Voyager
  • Connect
  • Sync
  • Summit
  • Mlem
  • Boost
  • Eternity
  • Thunder
  • Arctic

On the web interfaces side:

  • Tesseract
  • Voyager

Feel free to comment with more apps, I'll edit this post later.

For all the links:

YSK there are more than 3 US credit bureaus

YSK there are more than 3 US credit bureaus

Why YSK: Locking your credit with the main 3 places is not enough. have grown enough to require locking as providers are using them as a single check source.

There's also which many banks use for opening checking accounts. They're unique because they handle accounts that don't show up in a credit report.

YSK most US states assign their electoral college votes by the state's popular vote

YSK most US states assign their electoral college votes by the state's popular vote

I’ve seen several people claim that their state’s vote for the US presidential election doesn’t matter because their district is gerrymandered, which does not matter for most states.

Most states use the state’s popular vote to determine who the entire state’s electoral college votes go to. No matter how gerrymandered your district is*, every individual vote matters for assigning the electoral vote. [ETA: Nearly] Every single district in a state could go red but the state goes blue for president because of the popular vote.

*Maine and Nebraska are the notable differences who allot individual electors based on the popular vote within their congressional districts and the overall popular vote. It’s possible there are other exceptions and I’m sure commenters will happily point them out.

Edit: added strikethrough to my last statement because now I have confirmed it.

Of the 50 states, all but two award all of their presidential electors to the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote in the state (Maine and Nebraska each award two of their electors to the candidate who wins a plurality of the statewide vote; the remaining electors are allocated to the winners of the plurality vote in the states' congressional districts). (source)