Would You Rather


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WYR: Discover asbestos in your attic or a man living in there.

WYR: Discover asbestos in your attic or a man living in there.

WYR: Fly low or jump high

WYR: Fly low or jump high

You can fly at a height of up to 6ft/2m above the ground. You can propel yourself in any direction midair, expending energy at the same rate as the corresponding running speed, but without straining any muscles (so you will be tired but not sore). You will be fully subjected to drag and will be based on air speed, not ground speed. That means you could coast along all day at 20mph/30kmh in a strong tailwind, or get thrown backwards by a strong headwind.


You can jump up to 30ft/9m high. You will also be able to comfortably land from that height. Jumping higher will require more work from your legs, and the highest jumps will leave your legs immediately quite sore. You will have control over how high you jump. You're not gonna be immobilized, but you are gonna feel it for the rest of the day. This only benefits your vertical, your horizontal will only be affected by increased air time to travel forward at the same speed as before (you'll be moving longer, not faster).

WYR: Get 3m dollars or speak every language.

WYR: Get 3m dollars or speak every language.

No, coding language aren't included. Sign languages are. Cash is tax free

WYR: Only get to watch just one movie/ tv episode for the rest of your life or only get to listen one song.

WYR: Only get to watch just one movie/ tv episode for the rest of your life or only get to listen one song.

WYR: Sweat through your shirt every time you sneeze or have your eyes closed for every photo you take.

WYR: Sweat through your shirt every time you sneeze or have your eyes closed for every photo you take.

This would be for the next 2 years only.

WYR: ear fruit grown on a bulbasaur or drink water from a squirtle.

WYR: ear fruit grown on a bulbasaur or drink water from a squirtle.

Added info: Both offer it to you willingly and happily. Is bulbasaur fruit vegan? Squirtle obviously used water gun which shoots outta its mouth.

WYR: Have a giant pet squid that hugs you too tightly or have gossiping pet dolphins

WYR: Have a giant pet squid that hugs you too tightly or have gossiping pet dolphins

Gossip is about other sea creatures only

WyR have a cupboard in your lower back or a drawer in your thigh?

WyR have a cupboard in your lower back or a drawer in your thigh?

Let's say they have roughly the same usable volume.