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What are some of your best worldbuilding quotes in literature?

What are some of your best worldbuilding quotes in literature?

Here's one, from The Name of the Wind

“When the hearthfire turns to blue, what to do? what to do? run outside, run and hide

when his eyes are black as crow? where to go? where to go? near and far. Here they are.

see a man without a face? move like ghosts from place to place. whats their plan? whats their plan? Chandrian. Chandrian”

Bonus: Try guessing what it describes assuming you have zero knowledge of the source material.

Trying to build a world for the first time. Overwhelmed.

Trying to build a world for the first time. Overwhelmed.

Hi all.

I'm making great progress on a language I'm constructing, and it occurred to me that I should build a sort of fictional world, for the language to "grow" in, if that makes sense. I have the name of the language, the name of the "country", the flag design... but I'm having trouble with everything else haha. Any help appreciated!

Chariot accident in Vorgopolis kills banker for Bank of Eravan Enwelf Hiller

Chariot accident in Vorgopolis kills banker for Bank of Eravan Enwelf Hiller

21 Hertoza Chariot accident in Vorgopolis kills banker for Bank of Eravan Enwelf Hiller (born 2185 AL) a former Banker for Jukaria bank who was a banking clerk in Hertozist times his chariot crashed into the bank of Vorgopolis when his steering wheel mysterously stopped working according to Arhelumus Von Kruatrhouppe order police of the Vaugaumel precinct said. Hiller was declared dead instantly according to a press paper put out by the nearby HELLIOS is life monastary that rushed to provide medical assistance to Hiller.

Jukarian minted workers attempt to go on strike in Gehuaron Von owned mints

Jukarian minted workers attempt to go on strike in Gehuaron Von owned mints

23 Hertoza. On 22nd of Hertoza, Jukarian minted workers attempt to go on strike in Gehuaron Von owned mints in Keta, demanding more vacations and less work hours. Policemen shut down the strike arresting leaders. party leader Wilharm Piekuarl luanched a law suit agianst Huynair mint which claims the workers were under influence of drugs. Eravanian labor advisors Owuin urged negotiations with the workers

Eastern Fertilizers arrive in Aeacean

Eastern Fertilizers arrive in Aeacean

23 Hertoza 2223 Eastern Fertilizers arrive in Aeacean, What locals are calling "magical mud" has arrived from the Trokarian League of Fertile Money h.q in Jukaria, Yunti company speaker Jaskun sSoguan denies that it is magic telling the Sun that "mud is made from nitrogen it is not made from 'magic' sss Here is a good book for further reading" but Jukarian magic academy in Nilgreb states:"The principles of Hellian eldritch energy is visible in the mud". Haerman Wulkhaen states that the academy will attempt to gain the blessing of HELLIOS and make the magical fertilizer in Jukar

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Whale attacks on coast of Velgender

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Top 10 Best Worlds and Settings in Video Games

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Top 10 Best Worlds and Settings in Video Games

Strap in and explore our top 10 best settings/worlds in video games.

The Hard Worldbuilding Trap

The Hard Worldbuilding Trap

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The Hard Worldbuilding Trap


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