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FDO's conduct enforcement actions regarding Vaxry

FDO's conduct enforcement actions regarding Vaxry

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FDO's conduct enforcement actions regarding Vaxry


Looking for floating window managers

Looking for floating window managers

Hey guys, I've been using tiling wms for a long time and today I decided to try floating wms. Do you guys know any Wayland floating wm?

yt: creating a wayland app in C without gtk or qt

yt: creating a wayland app in C without gtk or qt

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zero to window - wayland client


walkthrough on writing a wayland client application from scratch in c0:00:23 - wayland fundementals0:05:08 - requests, events, and the wire0:07:02 - displays...

Niri: scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor

Niri: scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor

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GitHub - YaLTeR/niri: A scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor.


A scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor. Contribute to YaLTeR/niri development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub - YaLTeR/niri: A scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor.
dmenu alternatives : solved

dmenu alternatives : solved


I was looking for dmenu alternatives in wayland.

Required to search and execute commands in $PATH.

Edit: Solved using bemenu, with a simple script.

source ~/.bashrc
bemenu-run -b -H 4 --fn 'fixedsys-Excelsior-12'
waybar simple quick launch buttons

waybar simple quick launch buttons

AFAIK waybar doesn't offer quick launch buttons, but it does offer custom modules, which one can use to mimic such buttons. I'm using custom modules in a pretty simple way, for example for librewolf (I didn't find an awesome icon font for it, so using the FF one):

    "custom/librewolf": {
        "format": "",
        "interval": "once",
        "on-click": "librewolf",

I have some other ones for other applications. I do use keybindings as well, and I can use wofi to search for the applications, but none of them are really alternatives for other users.

It does work ! However I was looking for a very simple way to add what official modules, like a "tooltip-format" which is part of the official modules. Not sure why on earth it's not part of the custom modules. So for example, I'd look for something similar to:

    "custom/librewolf": {
        "format": "",
        "tooltip-format" "Librewolf Browser"
        "interval": "once",
        "on-click": "librewolf",

So that if someone doesn't recognize the awesome font icon, one could just find out by the tip shown when getting the mouse on top of the button. As this is not supported. Is there any simple way to do that? Hopefully not requiring to add several scripts just for this. Something that might be part of such snippet, and pretty simple would be great, 🙂

Please let me know of suggestions.

Thanks !

[Rant] Why is there no sane way to remap keys?

[Rant] Why is there no sane way to remap keys?

I recently switched to Hyprland on my laptop and was able to set it up as I like, but I struggle hard to set up keybinds to simply print different characters when pressing certain key combinations.

For example, one small snippet from my .Xmodmap (there are more in this file but that’s enough for a minimal working example)

keycode 108 = Mode_switch
keycode 38 = a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis

This allows me to press the A key in combination with the right Alt key to print an ä or an Ä when shift is pressed, to.

wtype and built-in key binding

After some research I found wtype which allows me to write arbitrary text when called with the parameters.

After I learned that Hyprland (or Wayland) does not distinguish between Alt_R and Alt_L (they’re shown as Alt_R and Alt_L in wev with different keysyms, so they’re clearly two different keys) and I accepted it, I just found out that this tool only works when being in a terminal emulator and not in a GUI application so this tool is useless for me.


Then I tried keyd. After setting it up and adding my user to the needed groups and starting the service and trying to figure out how to actually define keymaps I was able to send something when pressing a defined key combination.

But: Nothing else than ASCII.

The dev thinks it’s a Chromium problem based on this issue but it actually isn’t. I wasn’t able to send an ä to ANY application, no matter if GUI or terminal or Qutebrowser.

Since there is basically no online resources or user community for this tool, I cannot find any usable information on this issue except the unrelated Chrome reference and thus I removed it again because I cannot use it for what I want to use it for.


For whatever reason Wayland (or Hyprland) uses certain parts of the X keyboard extension, so I also tried this one.

Despite being absurdly complex and annoying to setup I was able to configure a user based keyboard variant using user-based symbols. From what I’ve taken from various sites my config should do nothing more than remapping Alt_R to ISO_Layer3_Shift just for testing purposes.

But all I achieved was reproducibly crashing Hyprland when setting it up to actually use said keyboard variant and there seems to be no log file.

yeah, that’s where we are

Again, it’s not about the umlauts, and not about the German keyboard layout, and not about switching lkayouts on-the-fly, it’s just to demonstrate what I mean. You can replace ä with any other character you want.

After a long night of trying out to have the Xmodmap functionality in Wayland using Hyprland as compositor I ended up with not being successful.

I give up for now.

Maybe one day there will be an actually working solution requiring nothing more than two lines in a file.

So let’s talk about this Wayland thing

So let’s talk about this Wayland thing

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So let’s talk about this Wayland thing


Wayland. It comes up a lot: “Bug X fixed in the Plasma Wayland session.” “The Plasma Wayland session has now gained support for feature Y.” And it’s in the news quite …

So let’s talk about this Wayland thing
QtWayland 6.6 Brings Robustness Through Compositor Handoffs

QtWayland 6.6 Brings Robustness Through Compositor Handoffs

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QtWayland 6.6 Brings Robustness Through Compositor Handoffs – David Edmundson's Web Log


Dragging Docks and Tugging Toolbars on Wayland

Dragging Docks and Tugging Toolbars on Wayland

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Dragging Docks and Tugging Toolbars on Wayland


Most of our desktop applications have a toolbar, sometimes theyeven have multiple toolbars next to or stacked on top of each other.More complex desktop appli...