Vegan Catfood Discussion Containment Zone

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Thanks to a fiber-rich, vegan diet: Cat makes surprise return home four days after being ‘cremated’

Thanks to a fiber-rich, vegan diet: Cat makes surprise return home four days after being ‘cremated’

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Cat makes surprise return home four days after being ‘cremated’

Beloved pet Ted reunited with grieving North Yorkshire family after drowning mixup

Cat makes surprise return home four days after being ‘cremated’
Vegans are like the Persians of 300 BC

Vegans are like the Persians of 300 BC

1.) They go to war at the drop of a bronze helmet 2.) They rely on vast numbers to win, rather than tactics or strategy 3.) Fanatical loyalty of a central corps of elite soldiers keeps the rest of the army in check 4.) Eat a lot of chickpeas 5.) Usually win 6.) Elephants

What are the pros and cons of feeding pigs an all pork diet?

What are the pros and cons of feeding pigs an all pork diet?

I've been feeding my pigs all pork for a couple generations now and I really enjoy the extra porkiness of it but I'm wondering what the potential problems could be?

[META] We should turn it into a shitposting community

[META] We should turn it into a shitposting community

We should just pretend like vegan cat food is drugs, claim it gives our cats superfeline powers, claim it is constantly being poisoned by the meat industry as it kills our cats of malnutrition (for the record: I've heard vegan cat food helped some cats with meat allergy to live longer), make pro-billionaire memes featuring stuff like how now billionaires used to eat vegan cat food for every meal since they were so poor, etc.

*Grabs Popcorn*

Whoooo boy, this is gonna be good. I'll start.

Cats love chicken. om nom nom nom!