The Refrigerator

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Expanded Rules - Other's Accomplishments

Expanded Rules - Other's Accomplishments

To improve participation I'd like to encourage people to share past stories of things they're proud of. This also includes Fridge-worthy accomplishments of others.

Currently this community doesn't have a problem with spam and I think those sorts of posts are still in the spirit of the community.

I've been enjoying exercise recently.

I've been enjoying exercise recently.

I'm 25 and I've never really exercised much. I've tried jogging, cycling, etc but always bounced off after two or three weeks. While not fat or anything I was definitely way out of shape

Half a year ago I moved into an apartment building right next to a gym and in December I decided to start going to it. It was a struggle, but I tried to be consistent over the last 3 months

Anyway, yesterday I was about to begin a new training program and realised that I was actually looking forward to going to the gym. After hating most forms of exercise for 20-something years I finally wanted to work out.

I'm lowkey proud of myself

I loaded the dishwasher with a chronic illness

I loaded the dishwasher with a chronic illness

Cross posted from

I mean, I didn’t load the chronic illness in there, that would be awesome! But I loaded dishes into the washer despite having said illness.

I have chronic fatigue syndrome, which basically means that I’m exhausted all the time. Or if I am not yet exhausted, even light work (like loading the dishwasher) can knock me down pretty hard. If I overdo it I experience flu-like symptoms the next day (for a few days).

So, doing some household chores is actually a pretty big deal for me.

Also, pro tip: Wash your water bottles before discovering mold in the cap.

I finished packing the 20 foot moving van! We will be moving a day later than planned, but we will, indeed, be moving

I finished packing the 20 foot moving van! We will be moving a day later than planned, but we will, indeed, be moving

I managed to enter a Higher Vocational Education (HVE).

I managed to enter a Higher Vocational Education (HVE).

I AM OVER THE MOON! There were several tests and I poured my heart and soul into them, and I got a spot! It's a very popular field; probably hundreds of applicants, and only 30 spots in total. They liked my results enough, It feels really validating!

I am officially excited about moving, as opposed to being stressed out or overwhelmed or on the fence

I am officially excited about moving, as opposed to being stressed out or overwhelmed or on the fence

I can’t believe I only just agreed to moving two weeks ago and tomorrow we are actually doing it - the end of packing is in sight! Just all these random scattered things and the cats left to pack

Small wins count, yeah?

Small wins count, yeah?

I am currently in the process of moving (actual date of move is Sunday) and I have almost everything packed up in boxes. It was a bunch of work and I can't really think of anything else to be proud of right now.

Make a post!

I encourage you to share a story of something you did or made! If it made you happy then we're here to celebrate it. Nothing is too small to be worth posting.

Do you feel like you would be bragging or showing off? GOOD! It's okay to be proud of yourself.

I climbed a V5 at my bouldering gym.

I climbed a V5 at my bouldering gym.

I'm not very good yet and it's not a crazy achievement, but it's a milestone I'm proud of. I started climbing about a year ago and I've been progressing slowly, but steadily.