Star Trek

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Starting a discord server for communist fans of star trek because I am sick and tired of the disgusting liberalism on the main server. Join if you want.

Starting a discord server for communist fans of star trek because I am sick and tired of the disgusting liberalism on the main server. Join if you want.

Because he has always been so open about his family in the past....

Because he has always been so open about his family in the past....

Historical materialism through the Star Trek lens

Historical materialism through the Star Trek lens

As the years went by and I watched ever more Star Trek, combined with the enlightenment of Marxism, I came to the conclusion that a similar societal way, historical determinism, was described by Marx and others. The Federation and its ideology are socialist by nature.

Observing the federation through a realistic picture of the possible progress of humanity, we will assume that the universe and our environment are capable of supporting life outside the Earth. At the moment of our enlightenment with this information, humanity will find itself at a turning point.  Abolish the self-destructive economic hierarchy of the world, destroy the social constructs that keep us in shackles, or remain just one broken world of semi-sapient monkeys.

  The idea of the Federation, in my opinion, is the perfect idea of the end of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the beginning of a classless society, and the beginning of a communist utopia.  The very assumption that a classless society begins with the federation as we know it through the series gives oxygen to an optimistic mind that looks at all this through the eyes of a Marxist. 

What do you think about it?  Is the Federation something that modern, real Marxists should strive for?  Are the ideals of the Federation compatible with the ideas of communism?

TLDR: Do you think that the Federation is a stepping stone to a classless society?

The latest episode of Strange New Worlds has a character (rather loudly) describe the Federation as Socialist

The latest episode of Strange New Worlds has a character (rather loudly) describe the Federation as Socialist


Just sharing this info because it feels good to see it acknowledged.

edit: removed a spoiler because apparently the spoiler tags don't hide the text when the post appears in lists

Meaning of gesture SNW season 2 pilot?

Meaning of gesture SNW season 2 pilot?

During the pilot episode of season two, someone is keeping a (somewhat) low profile when they suddenly see a friendly face in the crowd. The friendly person places their index finger under their eye.

I don't know exactly what this gesture means. Can anyone illuminate me?