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Mining Methods

Hello everyone, I'm working on building myself a better mining ship and it's occurred to me that I predominantly use only two mining methods: Fixed drills or "simple" drilling arms that use only pistons and rotors to extend forward and make a bar of drills drill the area of a field via rotation.

I'm know people make large-grid mining ships and I've seen a few that are amazing... and suffered a good bit trying to replicate a design I can't find anymore. But, I don't know much about how to effectively go about mining with large drills...

When I was trying to make a large-grid drill wheel I was told that builds usually focus on making a small number of drills do more drilling and my design was horribly inefficient (and it was, in addition to being a PITA to assemble). So, are there any good resources on how to make a drilling-arm that'll cover a broad area using a small number of drills?


I just finished building a functional ground-base and realized I've build myself a little metal square with machines on it. A bit uninspired but functional as I have easy access to everything I need... altogether an OK step up from the starting 'row of machines' but still not quite a good base.

Figured I'd ask; What do you do to make your ground bases or space stations look nice?