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Can't add an array in Get URL contents for API request

Can't add an array in Get URL contents for API request


I am trying to create a shortcut to use the TubeArchivist api to archive YouTube videos. I've tried to send the request as text but it doesn't work because it expects an array I guess? I've gotten the request to work using CURL on the command line but when I try to add a value to an array in shortcuts the field is locked and won't accept any input.

I've done some searching across the wider internet for how to construct arrays in shortcuts but no matter what I attempt that field is always locked. Can it not accept any inputs? Confused how to actually put my structured data into it.

The URL that comes before it is the local host and port of the TubeArchivist server API endpoint.

Open URL in Private Tab Shortcut for Safari iOS

Open URL in Private Tab Shortcut for Safari iOS

iOS Shortcut Wishlist: Instant Offline Dictation to Clipboard, Live Transcription [OpenAI Whisper]

iOS Shortcut Wishlist: Instant Offline Dictation to Clipboard, Live Transcription [OpenAI Whisper]

Shortcut Trigger Source

Shortcut Trigger Source

Is there a way to know which app triggered the shortcut call?

For instance, if I share files from the Files app, I could reference something to see “Files” or “iCloud Drive”. When it’s Mail, I’d see “Mail”. Etc.

I am trying to have one universal shortcut for file input but I need to specialize some actions depending on the app that provided the files.

I checked “Shortcut Input” but there aren’t a lot of choices to evaluate. “File Path” is inconsistent in what it will show: executing from the Shortcuts app and picking a file will shows “iCloudDrive/FolderName/Filename.ext” but sharing from the Files app will just show the filename.ext. Sharing from Mail shows the file content.

Backup All Shortcuts

Backup All Shortcuts

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Multiple Apple Note Tags

Multiple Apple Note Tags

Anyone know how to tag an Apple Note with multiple tags?

I can create the note, append to it, and tag it with a variable or straight text but I cannot figure how to add multiple tags.

I tried a list, dictionary values, comma separated, new lines. I even tried looping over Add Tag action with a single tag but everything results in an error on trying to tag multiple times to the note.

Let me know if you’ve figured it out!

Shortcut that tels you how long have you been playing the game and how much battery you drained for that time!

Shortcut that tels you how long have you been playing the game and how much battery you drained for that time!

I made a shortcut that will tell me how many minutes i plyed the game and how much battery i spent for that playing sesion. Its wery usefull to me, so if someone is interested i can share it. I still dont know how to do it but i can find out if someone wants it.

Recognise curently opened app?

Recognise curently opened app?

Hii to all, im glad that comunity for this exists on lemmy, because thats just what i was searching for..

Question is: I want shortcut to recognise what app im curently using and to write down apps name, so i can make list of apps that are used in las hower for example.. Is there a way that shortcut can do something like that..? 🤔

Get YouTube share URL sans tracking query param

Get YouTube share URL sans tracking query param

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