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Walk on the living, they don't even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble. What are they ?

Walk on the living, they don't even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble. What are they ?

::: spoiler Title Leaves :::

Grandmothers like to pinch these

Grandmothers like to pinch these

::: spoiler Title cheeks :::

If it weren’t for these, no one would be aware of Idaho’s existence

If it weren’t for these, no one would be aware of Idaho’s existence

::: spoiler Title Potato :::

Sauerkraut owes its existence to this head

Sauerkraut owes its existence to this head

::: spoiler Title Cabbage :::

A mini solar powered computer designed to help you pass Algebra

A mini solar powered computer designed to help you pass Algebra

::: spoiler Title Calculator :::

A stellar five-limbed sea creature

A stellar five-limbed sea creature

::: spoiler Title Starfish :::

What word sounds the same even after you take away four of its five letters?

What word sounds the same even after you take away four of its five letters?

::: spoiler Title Queue :::

What goes round the house and in the house but never touches the house?

What goes round the house and in the house but never touches the house?

::: spoiler Title The sun :::

Like a shadow in the dark, deceptively similar to the real thing yet lacking in true value. As innocent as a newborn child, it appears genuine at first glance, fooling even the most vigilant eyes.

Like a shadow in the dark, deceptively similar to the real thing yet lacking in true value. As innocent as a newborn child, it appears genuine at first glance, fooling even the most vigilant eyes.

However, under closer inspection, its flaws and imperfections are revealed,marking it as a mere imitation of the authenticity it aims to replicate.

::: spoiler Title Counterfeit money :::

I give advice to others, yet I know nothing myself. I am a hitchhiker destined to stay still while others pass by me. What am I?

I give advice to others, yet I know nothing myself. I am a hitchhiker destined to stay still while others pass by me. What am I?

::: spoiler spoiler A road sign :::