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Nahuatlahtolli – A Beginner to Advanced Level Nahuatl Online Course

Nahuatlahtolli – A Beginner to Advanced Level Nahuatl Online Course

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Nahuatlahtolli – A Beginner to Advanced Level Nahuatl Online Course

Nahuatl Course on Youtube by A Paquiliztli

Nahuatl Course on Youtube by A Paquiliztli

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Miac xochitl chichiltic

Miac xochitl chichiltic

INALI: miak xochitl chichiltik.

Many flowers are red.

Muchas flores son rojas.

Miac xochitl chichiltic

Ma cualli tahtonalli!

Ma cualli tahtonalli!

INALI: ma kwalli tahtonalli!

Have a good Father's Day!

Que tengas un buen día del padre!

Ma cualli tah-tonalli

Nipaqui nimitziximati!

Nipaqui nimitziximati!

INALI: Nipaki nimitsiximati!

I'm happy to meet you!

Mucho gusto!

Ni-paqui ni-mitz-iximati

Notoca crwcomposer. Tlein motoca?

Notoca crwcomposer. Tlein motoca?

INALI: Notoka crwcomposer. Tlein motoka?

My name is crwcomposer. What's your name?

Me llamo crwcomposer. Cómo te llamas?

No-toca _____. Tlein mo-toca?

Tlein ticchihua axcan?

Tlein ticchihua axcan?

INALI: tlein tikchiwa axkan?

What are you doing today?

Qué haces hoy?

Tlein ti-c-chihua axcan?

Mexicans forgot.

Mexicans forgot.

I find it pretty interesting that my fellow compatriots up north forget that this language is spoken by at least 1.5mil people.

I've seen far more interest from non native anglo north americans in Nahuatl that people that live in México and speak exclusively Spanish.

So yeah, are we allowed to have Spanish conversations here, is the community English exclusive?