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Stained Mountains defense, Exogenesis mod, v7 146

Stained Mountains defense, Exogenesis mod, v7 146

Mining logic for Genesux mining drone (Exogenesis mod)

Mining logic for Genesux mining drone (Exogenesis mod)

Turrets info for v7 146. Vanilla + exogenesis (Currently WIP)

Turrets info for v7 146. Vanilla + exogenesis (Currently WIP)

File link: https://drive.proton.me/urls/WY80XFQJFG#Iab2OysjIXUe

This is the turrets info excel file I'm working on. How can I improve this?

Frozen forest, exogenesis mod, v7 146

Frozen forest, exogenesis mod, v7 146

server requirements

server requirements

hello, how much ram and cpu do i need for a mindustry server? (just want to play with some friends)

How do you use battery diodes in practice?

How do you use battery diodes in practice?

I feel like I know what they do on paper but I'm not sure when it would be a good time to actually use them.

Can you manually change what the mono mines?

Can you manually change what the mono mines?

Is that even possible without using logic blocks?

How to know if a zone is winnable ?

How to know if a zone is winnable ?

I used to play mindustry and I played zones I didn't know I couldn't win because I haven't developed the right weapon to take on the Master enemy.

I have found my self playing many hours to be annihilated at the end by an enemy I didn't have the means to kill. there is no deterrence mechanism to indicate that such a zone is unwinnable and lets me waste hours for nothing.

how Am I supposed to know which zones to chose to win and unlock new types of drills for example and new weapons ? should I do more research before playing ?

I'm looking for cool maps to play with my friends in private server

I'm looking for cool maps to play with my friends in private server

Does anyone got some cool maps? Most of the maps in the mindustry discord server seemed pretty random and not fun to play.