Minecraft Suggestions


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"inhibit natural creativity" is an outright lie

"inhibit natural creativity" is an outright lie

"inhibit natural creativity" is an outright lie

My creativity is infinite by not having a way to sit down and by not having vertical slabs. There's no way in the game to do these things no matter how creative you are. A trap door is (usually) not a substitute for a vertical slab and and there's literally no way to simulate sitting down. That's Microsoft saying they don't want to, it's nothing to do with us. And that's just the top two things on their rejected page.


You should be able to put stuff other than books in Chiseled bookshelves. (With texture concepts)

You should be able to put stuff other than books in Chiseled bookshelves. (With texture concepts)

urlChiseled bookshelves were one of the best decor realted blocks added to the game in recent years with the ability to finally have fully customisable bookshelves.

Though as good as this feature was, mojang missed a big opportunity to just add an all purpose shelf block where you can put inside anything, not just books and revolutionising the way builders make interior decors. (And because tuff golem lost the mob vote, this is the next best thing to a item display)

here's some mock up textures for how it might look like:


Some of the stuff in the image are as follows:

1st row: Books(Vanilla), Glass bottles, Water bottles, Honey bottles, Potions & Dragon's Breath

2nd Row: Candles, Lanterns, Paper & Maps, Armour Trims & Music discs

3rd Row: All the ingots, Redstone & glowstone dusts & Gunpowder & sugar

4th Row: Produce(Apples , Carrots and Potato), Baked items(Bread and Cookies), Sweets (Pumpkin pies and Cakes) , All the gemstones, Mob drops (Spider eyes, Blaze rods, Slime and magma cream, Ghast tears) & Mob heads.

If you have some further suggestions to make or would like make some adjustments about it, feel free to comment below.

Frosted glass (repost as a thread)

Frosted glass (repost as a thread)

Glass made of snow and glass to make a semi transparent block. This glass exists in the real world and would be a nice aesthetic to add in minecraft.

Skeletons spawn more frequently near fossils.

Skeletons spawn more frequently near fossils.

As it is it is very rare to find fossils and to have them be more easy to find skeletons should have a higher spawn rate in chunks with a fossil in them.

Yet another curses suggesting post

Yet another curses suggesting post

Curse of fragility

The tool has a random chance to break based on its durability.

Let's say durability is constrained in range 0 <= D <= 1. The basic linear chance would then be (1-D). Then a growth function could be added on top (e.g. chance f D = f(1-D), chance (**2) would be (1-D)^2), so that the chance is configured for developers/item specifically.

Leveled curse of vanishing

(lower effects add to the higher ones)

  1. The current curse of vanishing: player dies - item disappears.
  2. If an item is dropped in general, it disappears. // note: it can still be placed inside of item frames, etc.
  3. a) If an item is armor and is taken off, it disappears.
    b) If an item is placed inside of a storage unit, and then the storage unit is closed, it disappears. (it disappears from item frames immediately)
  4. If an item's slot is changed after it was transferred to the player, it disappears.
  5. It disappears [e.g if you enchant in the nchanting table, there's no output and the input is gone]

Curse of illusion

The item in an inventory shows as being swapped with a random slot, picking the wrong slot will take the actual item in there and shuffle the item with a curse with another slot.

Curse of shapeshifting

The item mimics another item, by its texture and description. It acts, however, like it normally is.

Curse of insignificance

The objects containing the item behave like the item does not exist: The item shows up invisible, only becomes visible when you pick it up (LMB), when you place it it is only visible until hover is lost (allows you to read the item description). When a visible item is placed on that slot, the invisible item is destroyed and never seen again. When thrown out, only the item shadow is shown.

Curse of binding variations

a) when an item is placed into any slot, it cannot be removed or moved anywhere else (unless the parent is destroyed obviously)
b) when a slot containing the said item is focused on a hotbar, it cannot be unfocused and the item cannot be moved [optional: except to offhand]

Unknown curse

Basically one of the curses but with the name hidden.

Copper bulbs shouldn't be crafted with blaze rods

Copper bulbs shouldn't be crafted with blaze rods

Copper bulbs are an awesome block. Alongside being useful for decorative lights and displays, they also have a lot of applications in redstone, the most obvious being super compact T flip-flops. They're something you can sink a lot of copper into, especially if you dabble in redstone.

Or at least they would be if you didn't need blaze rods to make them.

Because copper bulbs require blaze rods,

  • you can't get copper bulbs until you've found a Nether fortress, and
  • the amount of copper you can sink into copper bulbs is limited by how much time you spend at blaze spawners.

While the recipe is pretty generous,

3 copper blocks + 1 blaze rod + 1 redstone dust → 4 copper bulbs

it also means that there's not much copper spent per bulb, which isn't a good thing since we're looking for things to sink the massive amounts of copper in the world into.

Instead of the recipe having blaze rods and yielding 4 copper bulbs, I'd use 1 glowstone dust, 1 torch, 1 lantern, or 1 glowstone block and have the recipe yield a single bulb. This would make copper bulbs more accessible and a more effective copper sink, as the main cost of copper bulbs becomes the copper—not the thing you need to light it.

Copper fans

Copper fans are made from 3 copper blades and the drop from the breeze. Copper blades are made from five copper nuggets in a P shape. The copper fans powered by redstone levels would determine the strength and distance it would push the mob or player. A power level of one would push baby mobs and players the level of jump boost. Level five would be able to push small animals and give the player up to a few more blocks. Level 10 would be able to push more bigger mobs like zombies and creepers and push up to around ten blocks. Level 15 can push things up to wardens ravengers and iron golems and can push up to around 20 blocks for light mobs and 10 for heavier mobs. This feature would be most helpful for bigger spawn platforms for mob farms, parcore for bigger jumps, for elyras to gain distance without using fireworks and also offer a speed boost for elytras. They can be placed in any direction a piston can be in. The more oxidised it is the more it slows down the blades which means it needs to be cleaned like real fans.

[Cross-post from reddit] Cedar grove - New biome, tree type, and mob deterrent (TL;DR at bottom)

[Cross-post from reddit] Cedar grove - New biome, tree type, and mob deterrent (TL;DR at bottom)

Untied Bundles - Making the Bundle More Useful!

Untied Bundles - Making the Bundle More Useful!


It's common opinion that bundles could use some improvement. While they're definitely great to have, obtaining them is tedious and using them cumbersome. Lots of suggestions have been made to improve the bundle: an inventory you can directly interact with, the ability to craft bundles with leather, etc. However, I think I have something new to bring to the table that would also help make bundles more usable.

How It Works

By default, bundles are tied. Tied bundles act like they currently do, but they'll always have a full bundle sprite. Nothing spectacular here.

By double-clicking a bundle, you can untie it. Any item that the player picks up can go into an untied bundle IF that same item is already in the bundle. If you put a dandelion and a diamond in an untied bundle, all dandelions and diamonds the player picks up will go into that bundle. Untied bundles have an open bundle sprite. Double-click the bundle again to tie it.

To indicate this behavior to the player, bundles could have a tooltip like "Double-click to (un)tie".

How It's Useful

Untied bundles can be immensely useful while mining, especially pre-endgame. Materials you get in low amounts (e.g., raw gold, diamonds, granite, flint) can be put into an untied bundle or two. Then any time you pick up those items, they'll be redirected to a bundle. This makes underground inventory management way easier. If you mine with bundles, you no longer have to continuously put stuff into bundles; simply insert one of each item you want in bundles and go about your mining trip.

They're also helpful during nighttime expeditions. Any somewhat common but potentially useful drops (e.g., string, gunpowder, bones) can be put into untied bundles. Then all of those basic mob drops can be automatically allocated to bundles!