Life Pro Tips

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LPT: If you wear contacts, take them out before cooking with hot peppers. Even if it’s hours before

LPT: If you wear contacts, take them out before cooking with hot peppers. Even if it’s hours before

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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/DistractingMyself8 on 2023-06-27 23:25:05+00:00.

LPT Take the Picture In Between The Times You Say You Are

LPT Take the Picture In Between The Times You Say You Are

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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/CorellianDawn on 2023-06-27 23:31:13+00:00.

If you want a picture of someone genuinely smiling, don't just tell them to smile and take the picture. Give them a series of increasingly ridiculous or overly serious prompts and then have them "shake it out" between shots while joking around about the whole thing. Then, secretly take photos on burst during these in-between times. All of the tension falls away from the person and they get a goofy kind of high and you will get some truly great genuinely happy pictures.

This is a trick that a lot of professionals use and I figured I would share the love with the rest of the world for how they get those genuine moments on camera.

LPT: If vehicle accelerator stuck and speeding out of control, shift transmission into NEUTRAL

LPT: If vehicle accelerator stuck and speeding out of control, shift transmission into NEUTRAL

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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/Base00 on 2023-06-27 23:27:24+00:00.

Read about this situation in another post, and wanted to comment on it. Whenever I hear an instance like this reported on the news, I get infuriated that the newscasters never relay information on what would be a simple, life-saving maneuver: SHIFT THE TRANSMISSION INTO NEUTRAL. Doing so basically disengages the engine from the driveshaft, all the while keeping power to the steering and, most importantly, the brakes. The driver maintains control of the car and is able to reduce speed and come to a stop. The engine can rev to 10000 rpm, but the car won't go anywhere. I believe this info should be spread to as many drivers as possible, could save a few lives going forward. Correct me if I'm wrong, credit me if it makes sense...

LPT: If someone you care about is acting noticeably “lazy” don’t call them that. It’s not normal for healthy people in safe environments to be lazy.

LPT: If someone you care about is acting noticeably “lazy” don’t call them that. It’s not normal for healthy people in safe environments to be lazy.

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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/Dirty_Deedz on 2023-06-27 22:53:18+00:00.

Feels like I’m stating the obvious but the obvious doesn’t seem obvious anymore.

LPT: Young men, if you're moving to a new city where you don't know anyone, find and join the local rugby club. Even if you've never played a minute in your life.

LPT: Young men, if you're moving to a new city where you don't know anyone, find and join the local rugby club. Even if you've never played a minute in your life.

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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/ArbysMarketingDept on 2023-06-27 21:29:47+00:00.

Rugby in and of itself is a very social sport that attracts a lot of men of varying ages and backgrounds. After match/practice beers are basically required. It's also a tough sport where you form tight knit bonds quickly. Most city clubs have both a competitive and a social side. The social side is for newcomers usually or older vets who don't want to play smash mouth rugby anymore. I started playing when I moved to Chicago from across the country for a new job. Literally knew no one in the city and had not even done anything athletic in years let alone play rugby. By the end of the season I was back to running again and had a big group of friends many of whom I still talk to today (20 years later). Did the same when I moved to CA. Actually contacted the local club coach before I even arrived and the invited me out for beers my first night in town and showed me around. Still play with them to this day.

LPT Request: How to dye blend fabrics?

LPT Request: How to dye blend fabrics?

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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/DM_ME_PUPPIES_THANKS on 2023-06-27 21:15:51+00:00.

I found my dream dress recently, but the problem is it only comes in white, pink, purple and blue. I ordered white and while I LOVE it, I also want to have it in black.

The plan is to buy another white one and dye it black. It's a blend fabric though (79% viscose 17% poly and 4% elastane). I know the dye made for natural fabric won't take on the poly so what to do?

Should I dye it with regular dye and then again with synthetics dye? I'm going for a very dark solid black colour.

LPT Request: I have no idea what to do for my birthday… I wish this was a joke.

LPT Request: I have no idea what to do for my birthday… I wish this was a joke.

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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/DiosMIO_Limon on 2023-06-27 20:59:29+00:00.

Basically the title. I’m in my early thirties. My birthday is coming up and thinking of what I want for it is feeling like if chores became homework before turning into a mandatory meeting that could’ve been an email. I’m the breadwinner in my household of two and the past few years have been pretty lean.

Last year was pretty fun. Just had a day of random shenanigans and taking adventure as they arose. This year I no longer have a car and things feel just a lean money wise. I’d like something to happen, and just letting it pass feels even worse than the weight of having to come up with something.

I just want to curl up into a ball for month and be left alone, but I know that’s not the answer. Any ideas you folks can offer? Doesn’t have to be specific. It could be advice on how to choose something. Anyways, thank you.

LPT: Take out your hair claw clip before driving.

LPT: Take out your hair claw clip before driving.

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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/garnisera on 2023-06-27 20:56:48+00:00.

If you end up in a car accident and hit your head in the seat the hair claw clip can get lodged into the back of your head and cause serious head injury (even if it's a small accident).

LPT Request: are there discrete floatation devices out there?

LPT Request: are there discrete floatation devices out there?

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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/Seethi110 on 2023-06-27 20:23:08+00:00.

I’m going to spend 4th of July at the lake with my girlfriend’s family, but I am also a terrible swimmer. I was hoping to find something like swimming trunks with air pockets or something built in, but was disappointed to find that those don’t exist.

Is there anything else I could buy that is discrete (ie not a life jacket) that could help me be more buoyant in the water?

LPT: Use block planning for managing your time like you did in school.

LPT: Use block planning for managing your time like you did in school.

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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/rumplestilskin98765 on 2023-06-27 19:59:57+00:00.

LPT: Use block planning for managing your time like you did in school.

Plan your time into blocks of time like when you went from class to class with diff subjects.

Add in rewards Like when we were kids we could go out for recess if we finished our class work.

plan tasks in advance adding in down time along with un-fun tasks so your brain will know it’ll be rewarded after the undesirable task is complete . No down time unless undesirable tasks are done first