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Has anyone here used the onboard closed captioning in iOS?

Has anyone here used the onboard closed captioning in iOS?

I switched to Pixel a few years ago because it has on device closed captioning, and iOS did not. I read that iOS does now, and I'm thinking about switching back. Has anyone here used it? Does it work well? Does it obscure much of the screen? I'm really interested in a screenshot if anyone is willing to share one. Thanks.

Best stock ticker widget app?

Best stock ticker widget app?

Hi there,

I’m looking for an app with a good widget that would let me track the stocks I’ve invested in. The main issue I’m having with the system app is that the widget is limited to 6 symbols and if you are using an app to track multiple stock prices on a widget, I would love to know what you use. So far tried a few apps but had no luck. Thanks in advance.

What can your phone do today, that it couldn’t do 10 years ago?

What can your phone do today, that it couldn’t do 10 years ago?

Just thinking back to the iPhone 6 which is 10 years old this year. I’m trying to work out if there are any features people use that weren’t available 10 years ago?

My dad still uses my old iPhone 6, and it really highlighted for me that innovation has stagnated in the last 10 years, unless I’m missing something.

Muting system sounds at night time

Muting system sounds at night time

I've just switched back to an iPhone after 10 years on Android, so forgive me if this is an obvious question.

I'm trying to setup a bedtime focus so that I only get notifications from specific apps - doorbell app, etc.

Logically, the way to do this is setup an explicit whitelist for those apps in my Sleep focus, on the assumption that anything else is muted. And this seems to work... for other apps.

But, system sounds still make noise - lock sound, going on charge, etc.

Is there any way to mute those sounds in a Focus? I thought the Silent Mode filter would do that, but that also turns off the notification sounds for the whitelisted apps. This seems a little counterintuitive to me, but it is what it is, I guess.

It seems like this should be an obvious thing to want, but I can't find any useful help content anywhere that explicitly talks about this. Or it may be that I'm not searching using the right Apple terminology.

So, short version: is there a way to selectively mute system sounds using a Focus, while still allowing selected apps to audibly notify?

Thanks in advance.

iPhone Thermal Camera

iPhone Thermal Camera

I’m still on the iPhone X, and the latest models just don’t have any features I’m excited about. I was thinking about what would make a difference to me and I think a really cool feature that would make me upgrade is thermal imaging.

Thermal cameras are expensive and the resolution and frame rate is generally rubbish because they are a niche item, but they are so useful. I’ve used them for everything from fixing heating systems, cars, and electronics to simply checking if my dog is still in the garden in the dark, or working out where ‘that draft’ is coming from.

Thermal imaging needs to be brought into the mainstream for price reduction and development, that integration to the next generation iPhone can deliver.

Am I just a weirdo, or would you like a thermal camera on the iPhone?

iPhone 15 pro design is bad

iPhone 15 pro design is bad

I just want to rant. Was using my iPhone X since launch and figured I should finally upgrade. Got the iPhone 15 pro when it came out. The digital island is hideous. Makes no sense, and I don’t see how those features couldn’t have been incorporated into the notch. We just lose vertical screen real estate. Feels like big brother is staring at me constantly, whereas the notch kind of faded away.

The camera bump is huge, and feels awful to touch. It also makes case designs bad as well with the raised edge. It’s very hard to find a case without the raised square borer around the camera bump. These cases leave marks in all my pants. The funniest thing to me is there are billboards that feature the raised camera of the iPhone 15. There are also posters when you walk into an Apple Store of the same. As if they think it’s beautiful. I wish I had gone with my gut and not purchased the phone.

Making me think more and more about running Graphene on a pixel. Ugh, you just can’t win with phones now a days.

I realize for better cameras, you need longer lenses, but it should be a phone first.

IPhone car sound issue

IPhone car sound issue

I have an iPhone 15 that when my car picks up a phone call on the hands-free system. It takes a moment to Ashley pick up and then is at first with the volume. Is this an iPhone issue that is known? Could it be T-Mobile? Or could it be my 2014 Avalon system? I didn’t have his problem with my android phone prior to this iPhone switch. Thanks for any insights.

Need parental control app

Need parental control app

I'm looking for a parental control app for iOS 17 that allows me to not only restrict apps etc but also lets me over-ride the schedule and allow the kiddo to play as I see fit.

We were using the Screentime Labs app on android. But on iOS it doesn't work well.