Ice Cream

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Found a new hobby I believe.

Found a new hobby I believe.

Hi, I recently bought an Ice Cream Maker and I made some basic chocolate ice cream, banana ice cream already which were quite nice. I found a recipe for tiramisu ice cream and tried that and it was amazing. Mixed up some melted rum balls (forgot them in the sun) and it was some of the best ice cream I ever had.

As a next step I tried making some variations of fruity ice cream with melons, strawberries and orange. But they all turned out really watery... Do you have some tips to achieve a good texture with watery fruits?

Using Varieties of Sweeteners

Using Varieties of Sweeteners

Anyone have good/interesting stories with swapping out or mixing sweeteners in your recipes?

In my recipes I generally use pure maple syrup. which ultimately adds that flavor into the ice cream, but i’ve been swapping it out with whatever I have in the house.

recently tried unrefined granulated sugar which seemed to stay in it’s crystalline state for some time. it wasn’t bad, just different. the flavor was not affected .

My latest batch I tried confectioners sugar and it was super sweet with a weird drying effect on your tongue.

I think my next try is a sugar alternative called allulose and then maybe start playing around with various combinations.

My ice cream freezer ready for softball tonight.

My ice cream freezer ready for softball tonight.

Ice cream sodas

Ice cream sodas

One of the oldest icecream parlors in my city serves 1 scoop of chocolate icecream, some whipped cream in a glass topped off with coca cola.

It's surprisingly good.

Their other soda is lemon/lime icecream with whipped cream, some ginger and topped with gingerale.

Excellent too especially on a warm day.

Thought I'd share as they can be easily made at home too.

Mango ice cream...

Mango ice cream...

One of my favorite home made flavors is MANGO! Don't try to tell me it should be a sorbet, I don't care.

Makes about 2qts


1 cup light cream 2 cups mango puree or blended frozen mangos 3/4 cup white sugar 4 tbps mango or coconut rum (~12% alcohol) ~3/4 cup whole milk

In a blender, add about 2 1/2 cups of frozen mango chunks and the 1 cup cream and blend until smooth. Add some milk as needed for blending. You should end up with approximately 3 cups of a mango and cream mixture. Pour it into an 8 cup "batter bucket"*. Add the sugar and rum and stir until the sugar is dissolved and you no longer feel grains (can take a minute). Add the milk to get the mixture up to the 4 cup line of the batter bucket, approximately 3/4 cup. Stir, and once it's a homogeneous color pour into a 2qt ice cream maker to churn. It should be in a soft serve state within 15min if you used frozen mango, or 20-25min if you used a mango puree. Remove from ice cream maker when it's the consistency of soft serve frozen yogurt and scoop into containers of your choosing. Allow it to firm up in the freezer for a few hours.

*it's a giant measuring cup that also works as a mixing bowl and it's immensely useful for ice cream making and anything else where you need to end up with a finished product that has to be poured.

The alcohol helps keep the ice cream from freezing too hard since this recipe doesn't have as much fat. The mango rum I use is by Cruzan and personally I can't taste it in the ice cream, but serve to kids at your own discretion.