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5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth While Pregnant

5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth While Pregnant

Is it safe to wash your ass with your hand after shitting?

Is it safe to wash your ass with your hand after shitting?

Is it safe to wash your anus with water and your (ungloved) hand after pooping, assuming (of course) that you don't touch anything with your hand until you wash it with soap and water?

I'm currently traveling in India. It's common here, instead of using toilet paper after deification, to pour water down your back and use your left hand to wipe your anus clean of feces. I googled to find information from medical professionals to understand if this is safe or not, but I (surprisingly) couldn't find any information on the Internet about this.

Of course, let's assume that we're doing this properly:

  1. You only use one hand (typically your left hand), so feces only contaminates one hand.
  2. You don't touch anything in the bathroom (eg pitcher, faucet, door knob, etc) with your soiled left hand until after you wash your hands
  3. You wash your hands properly, following best-practices: using soap and water, scrubbing vigorously for at least 20 seconds.

I'm less interested in your personal opinion, and more interested if any studies have been done analyzing the efficacy of safety in this scenario, using a proper scientific study.

Have any studies been done to analyze if it's safe to wipe your ass with your hand (and wash your hands properly with soap and water after)?

What are the different types of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) blood tests?

What are the different types of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) blood tests?

What are the differences between the different types of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) tests for laboratory blood work?

I went to a medical laboratory to get yearly blood work done. In addition to testing for some specific "me" things that I'm monitoring, I want to get a CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel).

I'm in a foreign country where I don't really speak the language. When I said that I wanted blood work done at the lab, the agent at the front desk handed me a form with a lot of boxes to choose what I wanted to get. There is no "CMP" option, so I tried to tick the boxes for the 14 blood tests that compose a CMP, but I got stuck when I tried to check the box for the ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) test – because there were 3 boxes:

  1. Fost. Alcalina
  2. Fost. Ácida Total
  3. Fost. Ac. Prostatica

What are each of these, and which of these three is the "normal" ALP test that should be included in a CMP?

Size of supraspinatus tendon

Size of supraspinatus tendon

I've been diagnosed with a supraspinatus tendon rupture of about 1.1 x 1.2 mm on the supraspinatus tendon (posterior fibers). Roughly, how big is it in relationship with its global size? Half? 2 thirds? I'm a small guy - 1.6m tall.

Also, does the tendon recover?

I notice my arm is still a little bit anterior rotated and down a bit as well. About a year has passed.

Should I be worried with some kind of arthrosis down the line, because of the position of the humerus on the glenoid cavity?

High Blood Pressure Monitoring: A Promising Predictor of Heart Health Concerns

High Blood Pressure Monitoring: A Promising Predictor of Heart Health Concerns

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High Blood Pressure Monitoring: A Promising Predictor of Heart Health Concerns.

A new study finds that getting your blood pressure taken while you're lying down may give a more accurate reading that could show signs of heart disease risks.

High Blood Pressure Monitoring: A Promising Predictor of Heart Health Concerns.
New antibiotic kills deadly superbug in early tests

New antibiotic kills deadly superbug in early tests

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New antibiotic kills deadly superbug in early tests.

Thursday, January 4, 2024 -- A new type of drug has been shown to be effective against a superbug that can kill.

New antibiotic kills deadly superbug in early tests.
We Need to be Ready for Biotechnology’s “ChatGPT” Moment

We Need to be Ready for Biotechnology’s “ChatGPT” Moment

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We Need to be Ready for Biotechnology’s “ChatGPT” Moment

Like the digital revolution, the biotech revolution stands to transform America’s economy as we know it, writes Eric Schmidt.

We Need to be Ready for Biotechnology’s “ChatGPT” Moment
US sets policy to seize government-funded drug patents if price deemed too high

US sets policy to seize government-funded drug patents if price deemed too high

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US sets policy to seize government-funded drug patents if price deemed too high

The Biden Administration on Thursday announced it is setting new policy that will allow it to seize patents for medicines developed with government funding if it believes their prices are too high.

US sets policy to seize government-funded drug patents if price deemed too high
Is the DC Department of Health Embarking on a Disinformation Campaign to Snuff Out Tobacco Harm Reduction?

Is the DC Department of Health Embarking on a Disinformation Campaign to Snuff Out Tobacco Harm Reduction?

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Antioxidants such as vitamin C found to spur cancer growth & metastasis

Antioxidants such as vitamin C found to spur cancer growth & metastasis

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Antioxidants such as vitamin C found to spur cancer growth & metastasis

A new study has found that antioxidants like vitamins C and E activate a mechanism that stimulates the growth of new blood vessels in cancer tumors, helping them to grow and spread. The researchers say their findings highlight the potential risk of taking antioxidant supplements when they’re not…

Antioxidants such as vitamin C found to spur cancer growth & metastasis