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Post your IT redundancy tales here

Post your IT redundancy tales here

I'm in our daily standup and it's turned into exchanging fucked up sysadmin redundancy tales.

One place I worked lost a machine room. They'd fired people so fast that nobody remembered where the boxes were any more.

I knew, but they didn't ask me. Oh well!

The cycle of IT binge and purge is eternal. Post your tales here.

Random Positivity Thread: Happy Computer Memories

Random Positivity Thread: Happy Computer Memories

Time for some warm-and-fuzzies! What happy memories do you have from your early days of getting into computers/programming, whenever those early days happened to be?

When I was in middle school, I read an article in Discover Magazine about "artificial life" — computer simulations of biological systems. This sent me off on the path of trying to make a simulation of bugs that ran around and ate each other. My tool of choice was PowerBASIC, which was like QBasic except that it could compile to .EXE files. I decided there would be animals that could move, and plants that could also move. To implement a rule like "when the animal is near the plant, it will chase the plant," I needed to compute distances between points given their x- and y-coordinates. I knew the Pythagorean theorem, and I realized that the line between the plant and the animal is the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Tada: I had invented the distance formula!

Nix project: ban? What ban?

Nix project: ban? What ban?

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Should jonringer get his commit bit back?

Hi, I haven’t read this thread and I don’t really care to read all of it. I’ve always intended to get back into the Nix community after the issues with community management are sorted to my satisfaction. If jonrigner gets his commit bit back, I’m gonna be gone for good. Create whatever future you want to live in. Be well, Xe EDIT: Looks like his commit bit got back anyways. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Should jonringer get his commit bit back?
Vulkan 1.3 on the M1 in 1 month - this is cool as heck

Vulkan 1.3 on the M1 in 1 month - this is cool as heck

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Vulkan 1.3 on the M1 in 1 month

"So, rather than just *tell* students that they’re in for a rough ride if they cram my prompt through ChatGPT, I *show* them."

"So, rather than just *tell* students that they’re in for a rough ride if they cram my prompt through ChatGPT, I *show* them."

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How does AI impact my job as a programmer?

Four ginever glasses with different flavors of liqueur sit on a mirrored table at Distilleerderij’t Nieuwe Diep in Fevopark, Amsterdam. Only one manufacturer makes these traditional glasses, …

How does AI impact my job as a programmer?
El Reg gets around to Nix drama

El Reg gets around to Nix drama

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Nix forked, but over politics instead of progress fragments the community – but doesn't fix the technological objections

Nix forked, but over politics instead of progress
Switching to Linux as a Game Developer: surprisingly workable

Switching to Linux as a Game Developer: surprisingly workable

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Switching to Linux as a Game Developer

I recently found that modern Linux distros are actually up to speed for almost all game development tasks and also gaming! Some notes on my experience transitioning.

Switching to Linux as a Game Developer
Lix: a Nix evaluator fork focused on correctness and doing right by its community

Lix: a Nix evaluator fork focused on correctness and doing right by its community

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Lix is an independent variant of the Nix package manager, developed by a team of open-source volunteers, and maintained by and for a passionate community of users.

The NixOS community is relitigating quotas, now on Zulip

The NixOS community is relitigating quotas, now on Zulip

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an open letter to the NixOS foundation

an open letter to the NixOS foundation

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open letter to the NixOS foundation