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Almost time to send these little ones off to their forever homes! 😿😻

Almost time to send these little ones off to their forever homes! 😿😻

Raised and Running

Raised and Running

The kittens have all shipped off to the shelter. They are all happy and healthy, and I hope they all get adopted before I go to see them!



I have never moderated before. I'm sure I could figure it out but I'd like help!

Foster Experience

Foster Experience

I have only been fostering for 2 seasons. I've fostered a total of 16 kittens and lost 3. First loss was medical. Second was lost to fading. Third was starving for too long before he was found.

I love fostering. I love feeding and caring and worrying over these babies. I specifically foster babies without a mom when they still need milk. I get to watch this cute little animal develop its personality. And see it off to another loving home. I don't work, so I can dedicate all my time to it.

How about anyone else?