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How Octavia Butler's 1993 book ‘Parable of the Sower’ predicted our climate reality

How Octavia Butler's 1993 book ‘Parable of the Sower’ predicted our climate reality

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How Octavia Butler's 1993 book ‘Parable of the Sower’ predicted our climate reality

Set in 2024, the sci-fi classic shows an America ravaged by climate change. Here's what the book got right — and what we can learn from it.

How Octavia Butler's 1993 book ‘Parable of the Sower’ predicted our climate reality
Anticipation of Hollowness - A Solarpunk Graphic Novel

Anticipation of Hollowness - A Solarpunk Graphic Novel

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Anticipation of Hollowness - A Solarpunk Graphic Novel

Janet and her outdated android friend Lyria live in the post-fossil fuel city of Sundyal in this story about accepting loss and the importance of ensuring utopia is accessible to everyone.

Anticipation of Hollowness - A Solarpunk Graphic Novel
How science fiction can shape the future: Q and A with Kim Stanley Robinson

How science fiction can shape the future: Q and A with Kim Stanley Robinson

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How science fiction can shape the future: Q and A with Kim Stanley Robinson

Kim Stanley Robinson is regarded as one the greatest living writers of science fiction with more than 20 novels and many awards to his name. In this interview with Anna D’Alton (LSE Review of Books…

How science fiction can shape the future: Q and A with Kim Stanley Robinson
Is Scavenger’s Reign solarpunk?

Is Scavenger’s Reign solarpunk?

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Is Scavenger’s Reign solarpunk?

We explore this breathtakingly brilliant sci-fi series

Is Scavenger’s Reign solarpunk?
WHAT SOLARPUNK MOVIES ARE THERE? #5 - After Yang — SolarPunk Stories

WHAT SOLARPUNK MOVIES ARE THERE? #5 - After Yang — SolarPunk Stories

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WHAT SOLARPUNK MOVIES ARE THERE? #5 - After Yang — SolarPunk Stories

A quietly solarpunk film By Alastair Ball

WHAT SOLARPUNK MOVIES ARE THERE? #5 - After Yang — SolarPunk Stories
Interview: Radon and the new wave of anarchist sci-fi

Interview: Radon and the new wave of anarchist sci-fi

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Interview: Radon and the new wave of anarchist sci-fi - Freedom News

Anarchist transhuman sci-fi collective Radon have published multiple digital journals over the last few years exploring themes including dystopia, rebellion and social conflict. Rob Ray interviews the editors. Could you explain the background of the collective? We created Radon Journal to fill a niche that we wished existed when we were young: the intersection of

Interview: Radon and the new wave of anarchist sci-fi - Freedom News
The Solarpunk Storytelling of My Neighbour Totoro

The Solarpunk Storytelling of My Neighbour Totoro

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The Solarpunk Storytelling of My Neighbour Totoro

My Neighbour Totoro is a pretty foundational movie in the Studio Ghibli canon, beloved by generations - the mascot of the studio, even! - and admired by sola...

BONUS CHAT: Is Nausicaä a Solarpunk Film?

BONUS CHAT: Is Nausicaä a Solarpunk Film?

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BONUS CHAT: Is Nausicaä a Solarpunk Film?

In this bonus chat, Ariel and Christina talk about the 1984 Studio Ghibli film - and solarpunk inspo par excellence - Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. Doe...

More lore than you asked for: "The Establishment of the Gulf Coast Gorilla Population"

More lore than you asked for: "The Establishment of the Gulf Coast Gorilla Population"

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We're editing down the manual, and I'm sharing some backstory to the world that didn't make the cut in the manual. This is the kind of silly microfiction that players are encouraged to write and share. This particular piece I wrote because I was trying to imagine where gorillas would live in the US, and why, and how.

In writing the backstory for Ewan Reinhart, I decided that the Gulf Coast was probably the most ecologically sensible place to try to establish a population of gorillas, and then started imaging the circumstances under which the US would do so. Surprise: it's the military industrial complex working hand-in-hand with border control!

The Establishment of the Gulf Coast Gorilla Population

Starting in the 2030s, Northwestern State University in Louisiana began trying to create a stable population of gorillas within one of Louisiana’s wildlife preserves. Among the project goals were tests of whether uplifting would improve the ability of the gorillas to thrive and assist humans in optimizing their survival. Several years after transplanting heirloom gorillas from US zoos and administering enhancement programs, the US Department of Defense began piloting Project Primal Warrior: a project to test the feasibility and performance of gorilla shock troops. In 2042 the DOD invested heavily in the Louisiana Gorilla Sanctuary project with the goal of creating 1,000 gorilla infantry soldiers by 2050 and the goal to produce 10,000 u-gorilla soldiers by 2060. They continued to generously fund the Louisiana Gorilla project in order to support the project goal of producing a target population of 40,000 gorillas in the US by 2060 in order to support Project Primal Warrior.

Herman Ducharme was among the early cohorts to undergo Army training. In 2042, at the age of ten he began keeping a journal at the request of his handler. Concurrently, he began keeping a private diary in addition to one his handlers reviewed. It documents Herman’s exploration into unscreened literature at the fort library and conversations among the other gorillas about their situation. Ducharme’s secret diary would go on to establish a historical record of an emerging political consciousness among the early gulf coast gorilla troops. In 2048, the military began deploying army-trained gorillas along with Customs and Border Patrol agents. In 2049, the Bureau of Land Management began establishing gorilla habitats for mixed populations of maximally and minimally enhanced gorillas along most of the eastern third of the US-Mexico border. Though the pretext was for gorilla conservation, contemporary news coverage recognized the motivation to try and surveil and control the border.

By 2052 the Department of Homeland Security began the top secret project Simian Sentry. Under the program, DHS began incentivizing, manipulating, and pressuring the population of 8,000 gorillas living directly along the border to discourage crossing attempts through violence against humans who passed through their territory. Around the same time, residents of the southern Gorilla sanctuary became acquainted with members of the nascent parahuman rights movement through their contact with Veronica Sandoval’s production team, who were working on “Voices of the Unheard”.

In 2056, the brutal murder of a family camping in Louisiana brought national attention to the danger the gorillas living along the gulf coast posed. In the midst of the furor, a young gorilla investigator named Whisper Dubois and a human partner broke the story on the clandestine militarization of the southern Gorilla sanctuary by the DOD and CBP under Simian Sentry. The program was canceled following heated congressional hearings that took place amid a fierce public debate over the public perception of Gorillas. The DOD began phasing out Project Primal Warrior soon after. Attempts to evict 6,000 u-gorilla infantrymen from the barracks in which they’d lived since they were children led to riots among both gorillas and humans. The military eventually completed the move-out by offering a generous severance package and investments in gorilla infrastructure. Because of the gulf of trust between the Gulf Coast Gorillas and the US government, these monies were directed – on the gorillas’ insistence – to the Circle of Nations for management and disbursement. By 2060, the weakened US government had lost interest in managing the complicated situation they’d created along the gulf coast. To the gorillas’ delight, the federal government eagerly left matters to the states and the Circle of Nations as much as possible going forward.

The Messiah & The God-Emperor of Zurich: a review of Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Ministry for the Future"

The Messiah & The God-Emperor of Zurich: a review of Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Ministry for the Future"

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The Messiah & The God-Emperor of Zurich: a review of Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Ministry for the Future"

As someone deeply interested in Solarpunk and climate fiction in general, I encountered a lot of recommendations of "The Ministry For The Future" by the esteemed science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson (later: KSR). The endorsements came from activists, academics, writers and game designers, programmers and climate entrepreneurs: everyone around me seemed to be impressed with the book. It is said to draw a comprehensive, grim, realistic, and yet still optimistic trajectory of our civilization towards a better, sustainable future past the Climate Catastrophe. The author consulted it with over 40 scientists, activists, and conservationists who made sure that "The Ministry…" presented us with a grounded vision. I started reading it deeply intrigued and hopeful, impressed by the scale and scope of the book, impressed by the rawness of the first chapters. However, as I turned the pages, I quickly stopped in my tracks: I realized that "The Ministry…" is very different to what I assumed it is, to what my friends described when recommending it to me. I struggled to continue, clenching my teeth …

The Messiah & The God-Emperor of Zurich: a review of Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Ministry for the Future"