Explain Like I'm Five


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ELI5 What is sex trafficking and how does it work?

ELI5 What is sex trafficking and how does it work?

This is probably a stupid question but don't understand it because it keeps happening more now than ever especially since Diddy. If I take my girlfriend to a restaurant she does not want to go to across state lines is that sex trafficking? Since we will probably have sex later?

ELI5 How come it seems now the old wise tale of Vietnamese eating pets and now its immigrants into the USA?

ELI5 How come it seems now the old wise tale of Vietnamese eating pets and now its immigrants into the USA?

Explain like I am a moron. If the US is such apparently a badass super power it has never tried to take over another country to expand its influence and status?

Explain like I am a moron. If the US is such apparently a badass super power it has never tried to take over another country to expand its influence and status?

ELI5 how come Discord can give out military specs and warn the FBI about a shooter without being tried to shutdown like tictok and others??

ELI5 how come Discord can give out military specs and warn the FBI about a shooter without being tried to shutdown like tictok and others??

I have never used tick tok so excuse my stuppidity

ELI5: Why is cheating in online games seemingly so prevelant?

ELI5: Why is cheating in online games seemingly so prevelant?

What do these people think they gain?

Whats the point?

Do they really just want to ruin stuff for everyone?

ELI5: Does a DNS provider or an adversary know my real IP address if I have a DNS leak?

ELI5: Does a DNS provider or an adversary know my real IP address if I have a DNS leak?

I use a VPN service that is connected to a server in another country, however this VPN service does not offer control over my DNS requests to block some sites so I preferred to use another DNS resolver that has this function.

My question is: When I access my VPN's website, it accuses that a "DNS leak" is occurring. Can the DNS provider know my real IP address, or does it only know my VPN's IP?

ELI5 How did people steal PPP loans? Was it really easy or did they just know how to get around the red tape and stuff?

ELI5 How did people steal PPP loans? Was it really easy or did they just know how to get around the red tape and stuff?

I ask because a couple in a state next to me just pled guilty for stealing not one PPP loan at 2.1 million and a second at 1.6 million? Did I miss out on something by being above board?

ELI5: Why is high frequency trading allowed?

ELI5: Why is high frequency trading allowed?

I don't see how it's a benefit to capitalism or companies or, well, anyone, really, to allow people to make thousands of trades a day for minute profits on each.

My gut feeling is that the stock market would not suffer, and less resources would be wasted, if trades and updates to stock prices were limited to, say, one batch per hour.

There are probably reasons the system is the way it is though.

ELI5: What should I do about the newest privacy stuff in Firefox?

ELI5: What should I do about the newest privacy stuff in Firefox?

I can't read long texts anymore, so I don't really understand what's going on. My internal bullshit-o-meter tells me that it's being blown out of proportion.

Can someone summarise it?

And what should I do? Make some configuration adjustments? Switch to LibreWolf or another fork?

ELI5: What in the hell did Trump tap into that is almost causing a second civil war in america?

ELI5: What in the hell did Trump tap into that is almost causing a second civil war in america?