Dreams, Dreaming, etc.


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So today I dreamt someone posed in my community...

So today I dreamt someone posed in my community...

I dreamt someone posted in my community !tis@fedia.io which is basically me posting some links for archiving purposes.

They posted furry porn.

But, it is topic related furry porn. And the community got viral.

Maybe that's the price.

A stress dream

I won't say this scenerio is recurring but elements of it are. Also sorry for typos I'm hardly awake and using my phone.

I was in a classroom, whatever was going on had just wrapped up and everyone in the classroom was heading out. It seemed be somthing less formal then a class session, and it has run very late. It's around midnight. I have work the next day so this is a problem.

Leaving the school is odd, the structure is like a huge maze with lots of stairways in odd places. I've dreamed of this school a few times. I managed to eventually get out and I can see a bus stop. However. I've forgotten my wallet back in the classroom somehow. So I go all the way back and see it on a table open and full of cash. Another guy is also looking at it. It's a tense situation. I explain it's my wallet and he just hands it to me cash and all. Again I am outside I see a bus comming towards the stop and move to it. However I can feel the cold night ashfault under my feet. It seems I've also forgotten my shoes back in the classroom.

I wake up at this point stressed out if my mind at my own stupidity at 5am. The recurrence is that I need to go somewhere but I keep forgetting stuff and end up increasing late.

I am definitely the sort of person who leaves their home 2 or 4 times because I've left my wallets, glasses, ext. But I always plan accordingly as I know better. I also found it weird my wallet was full of money and this didn't cause a positive reaction. I never carry cash and have financial issues

This one also had a small social conflict as a result of my negligence. In this case the guy giving me my wallet and me worried they wouldn't. This situations are common in other stress dreams I've had. Given those other dreams I'm shocked that this didn't go worse.

Anyone else get these stress dreams? Any tips for dealing with them.

Odd recurring dream that seems to change only slightly each time.

Odd recurring dream that seems to change only slightly each time.

I keep dreaming of my old house that I used to live in with my parents back in the early to mid 2000's. It's worth noting that I believe in the paranormal and this house gave me many personal experiences. Every time I dream of it now, the house is always in some sort of disrepair: flooded basement, holes in the floor that lead to the basement, overflowing toilets, etc. But the majority of the times that I remember it's always the hole in the floor leading to the basement that pops up (the basement was the source of my paranormal experiences). Every time, the house layout is just slightly different from before, but the vibe is ALWAYS the same: it's eerie, it's empty, it's creepy and is always very nostalgic I guess? Like, for some reason, I'm always longing to return. Also, whenever I dream of a dead relative, it's always somewhere in this "house", I even dream about my dog in it (he was poisoned by the neighbors). But with my dog, a husky, his markings are totally different from his actual body. He's all white, but it's definitely him.

Unpleasant dream where Robert F Kennedy Jr dies

Unpleasant dream where Robert F Kennedy Jr dies

In my dream, there was a device just like this one except any human touching it turns into a bug and is fried: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kljtVtXIBrQ

The device killed Robert F Kennedy Jr. Him suddenly becoming a dead bug was creepy and enraging. I could feel the unpleasant victory of the 2 major parties. It was the opposite of the calming real life experience of discovering his presidential campaign. A while after I woke up, I checked Wikipedia to make sure he's alive.

This dream can be interpreted as a warning to give Secret Service protection to Robert F Kennedy Jr.

Edit: I also see life a little differently now.

Short scene from a dream

Short scene from a dream

Feeling the need to urinate, I went in to the appropriate room and found the big black cauldron that people are meant to piss in on the floor next to a fireplace. As I got going I noticed that the room wasn't empty, and that I was standing right next to a table for two where a man and his wife were trying to eat dinner. "Excuse me sir, didn't see you there" I apologized. They looked unhappy. As I continued, everyone else in the restaurant turned to look at me. As if I was the one doing something weird.


Some of my more startling dream experiences have involved beeps, and other old tech noises.

Last night I was having a rough one. Body temp was spiking and melatonin only kept me down for like 2 hours. I was in the danger zone for awhile.

I heard my roomate talking. Our relationship is a bit tense as I've had to kick them out, it's that awkward phase between when I've asked them to leave and them actually leaving. I worry they won't make it out there. But that's a differnt story.

Later I hear a long whine of their door opening. It's very diffent. Its the sound of a door but it's more organic like an animals cry. My eyes must be open because I can see them fumbling with their phone light trying to navigate in the dark. The light grows and shrinks over and over around my door. This seems to go on for awhile, I want to get up an figure out what the hec they are doing. But I can't seem to move.

It sounds now like they are putting their shoes on and and preparing to leave. They never leave the apartment. They have no job, family or friends. And at this hour?

I hear the heavy front door unlock.

BEEEEP! It's like in the old times when folks whould accidently hit a number on their phone during a call. That exact beep I havnt heard it years. It's loud and startles me into being awake. The noise was too loud to really source but I know by now it came from within my own head.

It appears to have just been a dream. Perhaps my roomate just used the bathroom, and my head filled in the rest.

This isn't the first time a beep has ended a dream like this. It's happened many times before with differnt beeps. Usually older sounding tech. I assume these are audio hallucinations. I have also heard loud blood curdling screams, and crying but those may have been junkies outside. They do that here.

Another simular example happened when I was very young likely only 9 or 10. I remember waking up and not being able to move. It was to early to wake up but the sun had risen. I hear a voice from a terrible speaker "hello" next to me in the corner of my room is a McDonald's drive through menu/speaker thing. The person on the other end asking for my order and sounded frustrated by my lack of response.

I'll also point out my phone alarm is just the phone vibrations, and not a beep. I'm usually awake before it goes off anyway. I have do not disturb mode on untill work starts so I don't get notifications at night.

Spooky dream I had last night

Spooky dream I had last night

I left went down the stairs from my apartment and saw a poster. It said one of the inhabitants had reported seing strange dark silhouettes and hearing demonic laughs in the building stairs.

I didn't take it seriously. In fact, I found ot so risible that I laughed out loud as I left... But the laugh came out quite demonic.

Even in my dreams I'm an idiot

Even in my dreams I'm an idiot

Was on this weird rollercoaster gameshow where a group of people were attempting to make me press a button to give up. They threatened me physically but I was confident they couldn't actually hurt me or there'd be a lawsuit. One of them told me they would hurt me mentally instead. I thought I'd get ahead of them with mind games and press the button as if I wasn't able for mental bullying... All the people celebrated for their victory getting me to push the button while I pleaded it was a mistake of judgement and what my plan was. Obviously they did not give me a second chance

Does anyone else remember dreams from when they were kids right before falling asleep?

Does anyone else remember dreams from when they were kids right before falling asleep?

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/10175952

Right before I fall asleep, I'll remember some random details of a dream I had when I was 5-10 years old. It changes each night, but never is a newer dream.

Does that happen to anyone else?