dR Bulletin Board


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Threads? Posts? I'm confused... | Kbin

Threads? Posts? I'm confused... | Kbin

Threads? Posts? I'm confused... | Kbin

Terms "thread" and "post" are often used interchangeably on #Kbin and across the #Fediverse, but, as a reader, you still would like to have some guideline.

Threads are a primary tool of presenting information on Kbin. Think of a thread as a magazine clipping: you cut it out and proudly place on your wall. All you see from afar is a title and some preview image (if any). As you skim over the magazine and click on one such clipping, the entire thread opens before you, now including comments.

Posts are a secondary thing on Kbin. But don't let it fool you: before long, you'll have a microblog of things to share. Yes, posts are usually viewed in the context of Microblog, the section adjacent to Threads. One can call post a micro-thread, of sorts. Unlike your run-of-the-mill thread, a post can present text without any pretence. Reader scrolls through Microblog and they can see contents/replies right away. While lengthy discussions may be collapsed to 1-2 recent replies, it's made so to let other posts shine. As a reader, you don't have to change pages to expand the post.

  • Use Threads to present a pertinent material.
  • Use Microblog to share any updates, tips and little stories.


What qualifies as OC? | dR Bulletin Board

What qualifies as OC? | dR Bulletin Board

What qualifies as OC? | dR Bulletin Board

Here on #dRBB we think of #OC as an original content, or an original creation. Think the entire process of production, from start to finish: can you call this your own work? If preview or anything that sits in the thread you're posting contains copyrighted work of someone else, it's most likely just an adaptation/repost and as such you cannot claim it as OC.

OC threads have this small mark prepended to the title to set it apart from other works. Traditionally, OCs get more liberty from the discovery algorythms. I'm not entirely sure how it works on #Kbin, compared to #Reddit, but in any situation think of the reader first and algorythm second.

If the piece you're about to share was made by you and you only, don't hesitate and mark it as the original content! But avoid using OC mark for discussion starters, as they don't prove substantial enough of a work as such...


Live Stream Chat Users (Mentions & Search) | Userscript for YouTube

Live Stream Chat Users (Mentions & Search) | Userscript for YouTube

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Live Stream Chat Users (Mentions & Search)


Minimalistic userscript that allows you to mention any user in chat by one click on their name or to search for their channel by double or middle click.

Live Stream Chat Users (Mentions & Search)
Live Stream Chat Users (Mentions & Search) - Update 1.1 | Userscript for YouTube

Live Stream Chat Users (Mentions & Search) - Update 1.1 | Userscript for YouTube

Live Stream Chat Users (Mentions & Search) - Update 1.1 | Userscript for YouTube

A new version of my userscript has been released. It allows you to click-mention channels in the YouTube live chat as usual, but now also suppresses that silly popup YouTube has planted on message card. What's more, you don't have to use double click to search for channel: just use your middle click, mouse wheel, and it will open the search in a new tab.



Remix Icon | Open Source Icon Library

Remix Icon | Open Source Icon Library

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Remix Icon - Open source icon library


Remix Icon is a set of open source neutral style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers. All of the icons are free to use for both personal and commercial.