DarkSun - the scorched lands that gods had abandoned


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Image: in different worlds, a traveler might reconsider exploring ancient ruins, fearing about his safety. But on Athas... There's no safety.

Image: in different worlds, a traveler might reconsider exploring ancient ruins, fearing about his safety. But on Athas... There's no safety.

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Maps: never underestimate the importance of old ruins. They may serve countless generations as anything, from navigational points, to ritual spots, to proving grounds.

Maps: never underestimate the importance of old ruins. They may serve countless generations as anything, from navigational points, to ritual spots, to proving grounds.

Maps: bigger settlements on Athas are as scarce as water and metal. But small camps might appear here and there, only to quickly disappear when the news that "there's water" will spread too far.

Maps: bigger settlements on Athas are as scarce as water and metal. But small camps might appear here and there, only to quickly disappear when the news that "there's water" will spread too far.

Inspiration: Civilization has to produce art. It doesn't have to develop an alphabet, but art is one of its cornerstones. Have you ever wondered what might hang upon a wall of Athasian noble?

Inspiration: Civilization has to produce art. It doesn't have to develop an alphabet, but art is one of its cornerstones. Have you ever wondered what might hang upon a wall of Athasian noble?

Inspiration: cities of Athas don't need streetnames. Their function may as well go to peculiar looking doors. "Find indigo, arched gate, knock 5 times and ask for Hasgot, the Dwarven gladiator..."

Inspiration: cities of Athas don't need streetnames. Their function may as well go to peculiar looking doors. "Find indigo, arched gate, knock 5 times and ask for Hasgot, the Dwarven gladiator..."

Maps: A broken circle. As a cruel DM, I always liked to "bury" a relic or other magical item in such locations, only to see players leaving the place without thinking to dig around a bit.

Maps: A broken circle. As a cruel DM, I always liked to "bury" a relic or other magical item in such locations, only to see players leaving the place without thinking to dig around a bit.

Image: Athas is probably the only place, where the metal chain would draw the attention instead of the size of the beast it was put on such a leash.

Image: Athas is probably the only place, where the metal chain would draw the attention instead of the size of the beast it was put on such a leash.