Chess Beginners

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Has anyone used a recent version of stockfish at a really high depth (60+) on various chess openings?

Has anyone used a recent version of stockfish at a really high depth (60+) on various chess openings?

Is it recorded somewhere? I would be curious.

I’m ofc aware chess engines are far from flawless. And humans have spent years analysing single sequences of 4 or 5 moves (openings) and written multiple volumes of novels.

But I’m still curious.

Best method for chess improvement (mildly clickbait)

Best method for chess improvement (mildly clickbait)

I'm putting this here because I've seen a lot of posts by people on forums, here and elsewhere, asking about the best way to improve as a beginner chess player.

Oftentimes a lot of emphasis is put on reading books or consuming online content, but for me the most significant factor in my chess improvement was finding an environment where I could play over the board casually with people of varying strengths, who all enjoy chess.

The benefits are many, but perhaps the most significant is getting to discuss your games. After, and sometimes as, you play, you and your opponent will discuss lines, and often things you're worried about in your position. As a beginner, you can pick up fairly quickly basic tactics, but positional understanding -- those 'instincts' about a position -- are so much easier to learn if you have someone to point them out in your games. Chess is such a lovely hobby in that everyone I've met has wanted others to succeed and improve. The strong friends I've made there have lent me books, and reviewed my games once I started playing in the league.

Beyond the chess, there's the social and motivational aspect. I look forward to Wednesday evenings (my pub chess night) because I know I'm going to go, chat shit with some friends over beer, and play some chess.

The final thing I'd emphasise is that it doesn't have to be a formal club. In my city there's a great pub chess night, and on the continent I'm aware there's a great coffee house chess scene. You can be casual, and strength is not the be-all and end-all.

So go forth and play! If you want any advice on finding somewhere nice (and if you happen to be in Bristol, UK), let me know!

Lichess bot strength

Lichess bot strength

Subjetively, it makes a HUGE difference whether I play a "normal" game against the computer and select stockfish lvl 1 (yes, I'm a very bad newbie), compared to when I select "offline game" and also select stockfish lvl 1. The latter is far more difficult and hardly makes any mistakes (as far as I can tell anyways). I can never beat the offline bot, and almost always beat the online bot. Is this a known quirk of the app?

This Opening Got Me to 1500

This Opening Got Me to 1500

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This Opening Got Me to 1500

Love it or hate it, the London has been my tried-and-true opening since I started playing chess two years ago. In this video, I'm using four of my own London...

Das wichtigste Schachvideo für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.

Das wichtigste Schachvideo für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.

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Das wichtigste Schachvideo für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.

Ja genau, das wichtigste Schachvideo, das ich hier bis jetzt hochgeladen habe!Nach diesem Video hast du einen Plan, was du jeden Zug aufs neue tun sollst.KON...