Casual Conversation

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You reply in the comments, and i try to guess your age based on a short conversation we have. That's it!

What's your favorite pick-me-up?

What's your favorite pick-me-up?

Sometimes one just doesn't have the energy to do what needs done. How do you manage it?

(prompted by the thread about repetitive topics)

In Search Of Lost Time

In Search Of Lost Time

I have decision paralysis in organizing my work and self-study flow. While working on one thing, I keep agonizing as to if that's what I should be doing and lose time doing so. I keep trying to let go of this mindset and I just fail.

How do I improve on this, how do I make sure that I don't lose time while trying to buy time by optimizing my workload? Is my workload too much? Am I trying to achieve a lot of things at once? But if I don't, I'll probably never get to where I have to be, yet chasing all of this means I'll be stuck in a spot for a long while, perhaps I let go of my dreams and just lay flat.

I try fixating certain tasks to certain times, I've cut down on a lot of things, creating a huge backlog that I might not go through in 10 lifetimes.

How do you make sure you do the things you have to do, when you have to do them and not feel like it's a waste of time you should put elsewhere even after you've decided that the task at hand is paramount?

Just me or people keep asking the same questions all the time here?

Just me or people keep asking the same questions all the time here?

Even for casual conversations it's getting old. "How's your X day doing" "what made you happy?"

I'm less and less feeling like I relate to most of the things posted not only here but in the fedverse...

What's something that you like about your body as it has gotten older? Or about your life?

What's something that you like about your body as it has gotten older? Or about your life?

For me I think it's gotta be eye crinkles. Nature's eyeliner.

That and having enough self knowledge to make decisions that actually benefit me.

any plans for the holidays?

any plans for the holidays?

Tell us where you are going so I can live vicariously through you while I stare at the snow.