Casual Perchance

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[Community Event] Ai Image Challenge for September ~ Concrete Jungle

[Community Event] Ai Image Challenge for September ~ Concrete Jungle

What Community Events would you like to see or participate in?

What Community Events would you like to see or participate in?

There has been a couple of Community Events in Casual Perchance since its implementation via Lemmy World posts.

What kind of events would you like to see or be part of?

Some of the old events were:

  • Generator Jam - like a Game Jam but with generators based on a theme
    • Plain - create a generator that fits the specified theme
    • Useful Generators - generators that can be imported/useful for other generators (i.e. importable lists or plugins etc.)
    • Mad Science - not generators but anything made with Perchance Syntax.
  • Contribute to a Generator - didn't get much traction, like a Generator Jam, but you allow others to give feedback/suggestions throughout the event to the generator you have submitted. (Might change this to just a Feedback/Suggestion Jam, submit your generators for feedback and suggestions and don't require to create a new generator)
  • Image Challenge - Mostly AI Images generated with Perchance text-to-image-plugin based on a theme.

Also, feel free to give any feedback or suggestions about the Community Events. Some more specific feedback/suggestion categories are:

  • Length of Events
  • Type/Content of Events
  • Engagement or Retainability of Participants

Note that you can host your own Community Events, see this post for an explanation.

Place for the Weird Pics

Place for the Weird Pics

for when you are doing your normal generating and get that unique, not planned one that isn't what you are going for but so unusual you have to save it. Well here is where to post them

"Rule for posting in this thred any nsfw must be labeled and hidden behind spoiler :)"

I have finally uncovered the secrets of Moloch

I have finally uncovered the secrets of Moloch