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MRW I see another table's food come out of the kitchen, even though I know I ordered first

MRW I see another table's food come out of the kitchen, even though I know I ordered first

Is this Babylon 5 or Tennessee Williams?

Is this Babylon 5 or Tennessee Williams?

I found this quote online often attributed to either Tennessee Williams or a Babylon 5 episode:

There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. And then you accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors.

I think the latter is more likely but also it could just be completely made up. The epsiode title is given as Chrysalis sometimes, e. g: on IMDB.

Accents and pranks - an interview with Peter Jurasik & Wortham Krimmer

Accents and pranks - an interview with Peter Jurasik & Wortham Krimmer

Help motivate us to watch season 5

Help motivate us to watch season 5

So my wife and I were watching through Babylon 5 on Tubi. We've both never seen it and have really enjoyed it. We hit the end of season 4 and it really felt like the end of the show (I'm aware of the background issues and also that the season 5 finale was filmed for the end of season 4 but then shifted around) and we were very satisfied with where everything was left. We took a break to put a hold at our library on a DVD of the movies to watch "In the Beginning" before we started season 5. Got the DVD, started watching it, and my wife started falling asleep, so we stopped and just...haven't gone back. I can't explain it, but neither of us feel super motivated to continue even though we were really enjoying the show.

So, B5 fans who have watched the whole series, what can you say to motivate us to continue watching?!

Just realized Vir is doing the Centuari version of 👉👌

Just realized Vir is doing the Centuari version of 👉👌

MRW my friend is watching "A Call To Arms" for the first time, ahead of forcing Crusade on them

MRW my friend is watching "A Call To Arms" for the first time, ahead of forcing Crusade on them