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I feel it hittingggg 😞😑😐🙂😮😆🥳🥳🥳

I feel it hittingggg 😞😑😐🙂😮😆🥳🥳🥳

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Arnold Mal (

#audhd #adhd

Brain enlargement may be linked to symptom severity in kids with autism spectrum disorder

Brain enlargement may be linked to symptom severity in kids with autism spectrum disorder

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Brain enlargement may be linked to symptom severity in kids with autism spectrum disorder

Social and communication symptoms appear to be more severe in children who display brain overgrowth on MRI scans.

Brain enlargement may be linked to symptom severity in kids with autism spectrum disorder
How Do You Manage Emotional Dysregulation?

How Do You Manage Emotional Dysregulation?

Hi everyone,

I’m reaching out to ask for advice and insights on how you manage emotional dysregulation. Lately, I’ve been finding it challenging to handle intense emotions, especially when they seem to come out of nowhere or are triggered by small things.

I know this is something that many people in the AuDHD community experience, so I’d love to hear about any strategies, tools, or practices that have worked for you. Whether it’s specific techniques, coping mechanisms, or lifestyle changes, I’m open to anything that might help.

Thank you in advance for your support and for sharing your experiences. I really appreciate hearing from others who understand what this is like.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Greeetings, and, may I be here?

Greeetings, and, may I be here?

Hi all, I just wanted to say hello. I’m an adult and came to realize in the past few years only that I’m probably on the spectrum given some of my tendencies. When I was a kid there was no label autism other than the most extreme cases. As it turns out, my son - late teens - is on the spectrum and also has ADHD. He struggles with a variety of aspects but he’s also strong and insightful. He learns about himself more all the time, and I also have the benefit of being able to relate to some of his challenges.

So I just thought I’d say hi; very glad to have discovered this community.

I’m around most of the time to comment or converse.

Best wishes to everyone, and I’m hoping to have some rewarding conversations in the future.

Today's plan: Do Thing

Today's plan: Do Thing

Steps taken:

  1. Wake up
  2. Pop bloons
  3. Get out of bed (only when biologically necessary)
  4. Take pills
  5. Eat breakfast
  6. Sit on toilet
  7. Watch half a dozen videos on how to Do Thing
  8. Rest aching back by laying down
  9. Watch half a dozen videos about how to maybe not Do Thing and Do Better Thing instead (that will definitely take more than the day of work I had allowed for it, be backbreaking, and something I have never done before, but will also be more permanent and beneficial in the long run)
  10. Discuss Thing with spouse
  11. Nod off
  12. Open Big Box Hardware Store app and put supplies in cart
  13. Price compare Do Thing and Do Better Thing
  14. Fret about day getting late
  15. Get out of bed when absolutely biologically necessary
  16. Eat dinner
  17. Watch videos unrelated to Thing
  18. Post about it on lemmy as I watch the sun go down

Still left to do:

  1. Thing

Generic Art Dad - Do Autistic People Think In Black & White?

Generic Art Dad - Do Autistic People Think In Black & White?

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- YouTube

Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

[DE] ADHS Austauschgruppe auf Signal/SimpleX

[DE] ADHS Austauschgruppe auf Signal/SimpleX

Hallo Leute! Ich habe meine ADHS diagnose bekommen, und darf mich jetzt wirklich als ADHSler bezeichnen.

Ich hätte Lust auf eine Austauschgruppe zu etlichen Dingen wie Medikamenten, Erfahrungen, Apps, Strategien etc.

Um etwas Datenschutz zu garantieren, würde ich sagen alle interessierten schreiben mir eine private Nachricht, mit einem lustigen Spruch und ihrem Wunsch für die Gruppe.

(Bot-Abwehr ist nervig...)

Question for those who are Hypersexual.

Question for those who are Hypersexual.

So I know that despite the classic portrayal of an autist being someone who is asexual, many of us are at the opposite end of the scale. Yet if you search for Lemmy communities, there are several for asexual folk and none for hypersexual folk. Is there any good resources for us to rant/support each other/talk about our struggles? If it were specifically for neurodivergent folk, that would be a great bonus.

Anyone else have a default topic that your brain turns to when idle?

Anyone else have a default topic that your brain turns to when idle?

My train of thought has gone down the same path hundreds of times when bored. There is no new realisation about that topic that remains to be had. And yet every time my inner monologue goes down the same well trodden path. It almost hurts at this point. I don't really choose the topic, it's usually just one I've come into contact with repeatedly and they change over the years. I commute by bus and the monologue is always at the same point at the same point in the journey. I am going crazy. How do I turn this off.

This is what stigma around autism sounds like to an autistic person (comedy sketch)

This is what stigma around autism sounds like to an autistic person (comedy sketch)

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This is what stigma around autism sounds like to an autistic person #actuallyautistic #audhd

#autismpride #actuallyautistic #latediagnosedautistic #audhd