audiopro group

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Haven't used Cubase since version 6, now checking out v12.

Haven't used Cubase since version 6, now checking out v12.

Haven't used Cubase since version 6, now checking out v12.
I've been a Reaper person for a while, and got accustomed to those great conveniences, like dropping any file type with any sample rate into it without the need for conversion. Great for radio shows. But after a while i noticed a certain lack of body in Reaper's sound.
So i listened back to older Cubase projects and found, that they are far superior in terms of body, roughness, definition, musicality.
So now in v12 everything is designed in black and i am a neutral white greyish high contrast sight of person. Damn.
Anyway, it sounds great as it always did. Now let's find out how to work with multichannel files there.
Just a report.

@daw group @audiopro group

#^ - or @Working Class Music - surprisingly has a quite fun Peertube video series testing guitars, amps and pedals.

#^ - or @Working Class Music - surprisingly has a quite fun Peertube video series testing guitars, amps and pedals.

#^ - or @Working Class Music - surprisingly has a quite fun Peertube video series testing guitars, amps and pedals.
This one is relaxed, good mooded, off the mainstream and there's a pleasant absence of idiotic influenza vibes.

@pedals group @audiopro group

Dynacord Echocord Mini. Time to make this sweet bugger in my rack of old audio tech run again.

Dynacord Echocord Mini. Time to make this sweet bugger in my rack of old audio tech run again.

Another Oktava MK-012 omni matched pair capsules frequency diagram.

Another Oktava MK-012 omni matched pair capsules frequency diagram.

Oktava MK-012-01 hypercardiod microphones, matched pair, calibration protocols below - two coordinate systems, each for one mic, measurements from 20Hz to 20KHz in 0° (top), 90° (center) and 180°

Oktava MK-012-01 hypercardiod microphones, matched pair, calibration protocols below - two coordinate systems, each for one mic, measurements from 20Hz to 20KHz in 0° (top), 90° (center) and 180°

Anyone using #Lavry Converters? Need advice on connecting AD11/DA11 to MAC. group #followerpower

Anyone using #Lavry Converters? Need advice on connecting AD11/DA11 to MAC. group #followerpower

Anyone using #Lavry Converters? Need advice on connecting AD11/DA11 to MAC. @audiopro group #followerpower

Has anyone around here ever attempted to reverse engineer VST2 plugins in order to turn them into VST3?

Has anyone around here ever attempted to reverse engineer VST2 plugins in order to turn them into VST3?

Has anyone around here ever attempted to reverse engineer VST2 plugins in order to turn them into VST3?
I see a few projects, like this one
however, that doesn't seem to produce actual code to be used within a VST3.

#reverseEngineering #vst2 #vst3 #vst3sdk @audiopro group

I'm really not into proprietary audio software.

I'm really not into proprietary audio software.

Speed of Sound -\> Wrote a calculator for delays at room temperature (20° C).

Speed of Sound -\> Wrote a calculator for delays at room temperature (20° C).

Speed of Sound -> Wrote a calculator for delays at room temperature (20° C).
Useful for delay lines / delay compensation and so forth.
Gives you time in milliseconds & samples at common rates for various DAW.


@audiopro group #php #delayTime #calculator #proaudio #protools #daw #speedofsound #audiosoftware

Assisting a Pro Tools mix job for neo-classical cello music at Berlin's Calyx Mastering.

Assisting a Pro Tools mix job for neo-classical cello music at Berlin's Calyx Mastering.

Assisting a Pro Tools mix job for neo-classical cello music at Berlin's Calyx Mastering.
Steep learning curve, discovering great features, and some completely obnoxious constraints of proprietary commercial DAW software. However, on macos and Windows audio engines of proprietary software outperform even sthg. only half commercial such as Reaper. Can't say anything about Linux-based audio, though. As much as i wish otherwise PT, Cubase, Nuendo (WaveLab) and Logic deliver depth, width, exactness and overall body of sound much more naturally, than even Reaper, which overall sounds glassy, slightly thin, a little flat.

Ableton and BitWig don't get there, sounding generally foggy, smearing transients.

As a musician i prefer to pay for sound, if that's the current option, rather than going for a cheap compromise or sthg. under-developed.

Checked on modified Genelec 1038a and Genelec 8030, all eq'd to room acoustics.

Although within those high end realms the gains seem minimal today - compared to audio engines 10 or 15 years ago - there is still a very noticeable lead of the 4/5 DAW mentioned above.

If anyone should do actual direct comparisons of Linux-based DAW with commercial DAW (mostly macos/Windows) I'd be HIGHLY interested in exchanging experience.


@audiopro group #proaudio #daw #protools #logic #cubase #nuendo #wavelab #mastering #mixing