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If the sun was dried up or put out and was a rock how much would it weigh?

If the sun was dried up or put out and was a rock how much would it weigh?

Do flies hate/dislike Yellow Watermelon?

Do flies hate/dislike Yellow Watermelon?

I've noticed something interesting that I cant get an answer to online. Whenever I leave out watermelon in my house (After eating it of course. I cut slices from the melon so what gets left behind is the rind), it attracts lots of gnats and flies without failure. After cutting and eating a Yellow Watermelon for the first time and then leaving it out, There wasn't a single fly that cared for it, it was never swarmed or landed on or fed upon. it just sat there for a day or so before I finally threw it out.

Why is this?? Repeating this same scenario always gives me the same output. The flies aren't attracted to the Yellow Melon, Why?

Can a plant be reattached to itself after being cut?

Can a plant be reattached to itself after being cut?

I know animals can have limbs surgically replanted and still work. But can the same be said about plants? Could I cleanly cut down a tree, then stick it back on, and have it still grow into itself?

Are we any closer to having an Iron Man suit? If so why or why not? Or is it just fiction?

Are we any closer to having an Iron Man suit? If so why or why not? Or is it just fiction?

What kind of motor is in an adjustable mattress base, and how does it work

What kind of motor is in an adjustable mattress base, and how does it work

I couldn't find anywhere that would tell me what kind of motor is usually used there. And I don't know enough about motors to be like... well of course it's this kind... But once I know what it is... how does it work? Like different adjustable bases move different intervals for a single push of the remote button (at least according to my wife). So that got me thinking, what controls the minimum interval of difference between two positions the motor will support? I don't hear clicks, so I don't think it is a ratchet type thing which would have a clear min interval. Yet, if you unplug it, it doesn't just go flat. So there must be some sort of passive hold mechanism of some type...

Can you safely heat people with microwaves?

Can you safely heat people with microwaves?

Sometimes, when I'm really cold, it can take over an hour to warm me up, even with a heating blanket. The quickest solution, a hot shower, feels really inefficient with all the heat going down the drain.

That got me thinking about microwaves. They heat food (partly) from the inside, contrary to simple infrared radiation.

Could we safely do that with people?

I found a Reddit thread where a non-lethal weapon and people getting eye damage because they stayed too long in front of a radar dish.

Could some sort of device be made that would warm specific areas (say, a hand or a leg) without endangering sensitive areas like the eyes?

Would it actually warm someone up from the inside? Would it be possible to make it safe?

Would it present advantages in cases of hypothermia, compared to heated IV fluids?

Does the Barnsley Fern have anything to do with actual ferns or is it just a fun coincidence?

Does the Barnsley Fern have anything to do with actual ferns or is it just a fun coincidence?

I find fractals extremely fascinating and way, way, way out of my depth. One example being the Barnsley Fern, which I find so cool. It feels a bit like someone cracked a little piece of the Matrix code.

But is there anything really significant about the fact that it looks like a fern from a botanical/mathematical perspective? Do the two connect in any real way? Can we somehow find the math genetically or learn something about the mathematical properties of other leaves, for example? How "real" is it?

If I could make an oak leaf from fractals, would it advance mathematics and/or botany or would it be equivalent to creating a cartoon using Geogebra (nice to look at, but basically meaningless)?

Are there any individual cells that make decisions, or do they all react to their immediate environments according to chemical and mechanical laws?

Are there any individual cells that make decisions, or do they all react to their immediate environments according to chemical and mechanical laws?

In other words, is there any individual cell that can decide between two or more options, or all they all solely chemical and mechanical reactions without any self-determination at all?

Does all our energy on Earth come from the sun?

Does all our energy on Earth come from the sun?

Like fossil fuels come from organic matter that grew because of the sun. Is there any form of energy on that cannot be traced back to the sun in some way?