Ask exploding heads

Create post (and some others) were hacked (and some others) were hacked

cross-posted from:

While I was asleep, apparently the site was hacked. Luckily, (big) part of the team is in US, and some early birds in EU also helped mitigate this.

As I am told, this was the issue:

  • There is an vulnerability which was exploited
  • Several people had their JWT cookies leaked, including at least one admin
  • Attackers started changing site settings and posting fake announcements etc

Our mitigations:

  • We removed the vulnerability
  • Deleted all comments and private messages that contained the exploit
  • Rotated JWT secret which invalidated all existing cookies

The vulnerability will be fixed by the Lemmy devs.

Details of the vulnerability are here

Many thanks for all that helped, and sorry for any inconvenience caused!

Update While we believe the admins accounts were what they were after, it could be that other users accounts were compromised. Your cookie could have been 'stolen' and the hacker could have had access to your account, creating posts and comments under your name, and accessing/changing your settings (which shows your e-mail).

For this, you would have had to be using at that time, and load a page that had the vulnerability in it.

Why Did Lemmy World Get Hacked?

Why Did Lemmy World Get Hacked?

I personally think it's hilarious 😂 I know that's fucked up. But shit, karma bitch lol

Why did they get hacked right now?

What's Another Word To Use Instead of 'Gay' ?

What's Another Word To Use Instead of 'Gay' ?

Not in the sense of ppl being homosexual. I'm talking about when ppl use it to describe something 'lame'

Like that's 'gay'

I'm not asking for political correctness. I'm asking because I want to be able to insult ppl online without having to get reprimanded about it.

Something else that sounds funny

What Sense of Meaning and Purpose Can Aging Single People Have Without a Family?

What Sense of Meaning and Purpose Can Aging Single People Have Without a Family?

There seem to be a growing number of unmarried people today who may have been brought up to view their purpose in life as being tied to having a family, and they may be getting too old to have kids (in the case of some unmarried women for example).

How can they find a sense of meaning in life without a family?

I have trouble wrapping my head around this, due to the understanding that a person could dedicate their life to God and live as a celibate as like a monk or priest or nun if they don't marry, and I feel pretty content with the idea of being married or single or in some religious commitment.

But this seems like it may be a growing problem for other people who do not share my outlook and I was wondering if people have ideas on how these people can cope with the issue.

Is Anyone Else Having Issues Uploading Photos ?

Is Anyone Else Having Issues Uploading Photos ?

Im using Jerboah, Connect, and lift off and they all won't work

Seriously. Are We, 'Exploding-heads' users, Really Fuckin Nazi Asshole, Ignorant, Hateful, Transphobic Pieces Of Shit?

Seriously. Are We, 'Exploding-heads' users, Really Fuckin Nazi Asshole, Ignorant, Hateful, Transphobic Pieces Of Shit?

I'm gunna start by saying, I wish I could slap everyone in the face right now. Lol a respectful smack in the mouth if you will.

Ok, so I was reading a thread on another instance that was going to defederate with us, and OBVIOUSLY It was irritating as fuck.

I'm gunna rant here a little bit, but I'm tired of being fucking demonized and spoken of in a condescending way.

I'm a white female a quarter Panamanian, have 3 half black and white cousins, a big black mother fuckin uncle lol I only date Mexican men, had a very close gay best friend, use to make out with other girls at parties when I was young and stupid (Drunk doing dumb shit) grew up in Southern California where being white was the minority and was hated on by Mexicans all the time, I'm indifferent about abortion, think a lot of trans women are actually more beautiful then regular born women, love gay people and drag queens and I'm a conservative republican.

I don't see how all of that qualifies me as being a Nazi. One important thing I want to say is when it comes down to jokes and humor I think people take that in a certain way that distorts their thinking.

I'm not exactly sure how to word this but when it comes to you jokes and humor and being funny it's not something that portrays my beliefs I guess is what I'm trying to say.

Like if I see a racist post about black people and it's really funny, I'm laughing at the stereotype fucked up if that makes sense.

I'm not laughing and agreeing with it.

With that, there's some memes or things that people say that are too extreme for even me to find humorous.

Why am I considered a bad person ?

What the fuck is so God dam bad about exploding-heads? I feel like people don't have the ability to laugh at themselves anymore.

Like for instance if somebody posts a misogynist meme that makes fun of women and it's really funny I laugh at it because it's fucking hilarious but I don't agree with that shit and I acknowledge that some people think that way.

It's just a stupid dumb joke yeah there's misogynist people but they're not in my life and they're not affecting my life directly I don't care about them I'm just laughing at a fucking joke.

Why do people take things so God damn seriously these days?

Best non-p.c. / non-woke comedians?

Best non-p.c. / non-woke comedians?

Saw Alice's post asking about the worst ones, got me thinking who's the best ones... But figured I'd clarify what I mean by 'best' 😉

I don't follow any of them regularly but the ones that have had some decent shows I've liked are:

  • Bill Burr
  • good ol' George Carlin (I know he's definitely not conservative but that's fine... He's not pc and I think if he was still around he'd be too offensive for wokees)
  • Jo Kay - only saw one show at a friend's house but seemed ok
  • Kyle Kinane
What's Your Gayest Trait?

What's Your Gayest Trait?

Could be anything about you. Like wearing a fedora.

Why Are People So Against Traditional Roles In A Relationship?

Why Are People So Against Traditional Roles In A Relationship?

I noticed a lot of hate for it. Also I think it's stupid when people say women have a choice to stay home or work.

No they don't. Most men today don't want a woman to stay home. So we only have one choice and that is to work.