Film Photography Discussion

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accedently bought recently expired film

accedently bought recently expired film

hey im just wondering as most of the information i have seen about shooting expired film to be older discontinued/ cold storage film. i recently bought 2 rolls of ilford ortho 80 at a local camera store. i was unaware that they are expired. its summer and i plan on shooting them throughout this upcoming week. it expired in September of 2022 and as far as im aware it was sitting in air conditioned stores shelf. for my piece of mind, its fine to shoot at 80 ? or should i over expose, and by how much ? im sorry if this is a dumb question im new to 120 and low speed films. i dont want to complain to a manager, as i did get a discount on the film but the "homie/good customer" discount. i was never told specifically that it was expired. what are your guys thoughts on my next steps?

Arrived just in time for the gig today... 15 mins before leaving, happy I get to test it out shooting some local bands this afternoon.

Arrived just in time for the gig today... 15 mins before leaving, happy I get to test it out shooting some local bands this afternoon.

Technical question, enlarger lens & slr camera

Technical question, enlarger lens & slr camera

I've menaged to get this m42 enlarger lens for cheap. It doesn't have built in way to focus, and when mounted in slr it's focused beyond infinity. I want to know if, and how, it can be used with analog slr. I already tried macro bellow, but that setup couldn't focus on infinity.

Where to learn repair?

Where to learn repair?

Especially for electrical. Very curious to start learning this. Any good resources?

Adox Color Mission 200 in US

Adox Color Mission 200 in US

Does anyone know of a place with supply of Adox Color Mission in the US? I see it on European sites, but it seems to always be sold out anyways.

LomoChrome Color ’92 35 mm ISO 400

LomoChrome Color ’92 35 mm ISO 400

Open link in next tab

LomoChrome Color ’92 35 mm ISO 400

This unique color negative emulsion provides a burst of retro charm and classic analogue character in any film shooting scenario.

As a means of introduction: whats everyones favorite film stock?

As a means of introduction: whats everyones favorite film stock?

I'll start - Provia 100f

Reddit Exodus - Part 2

Reddit Exodus - Part 2

Meeting point for people from Reddit.

Hey /c/AnalogCommunity, time to say “hello”

Hey /c/AnalogCommunity, time to say “hello”

Hi folks, and welcome to Lemmy.

I haven’t seen any posts here yet, so I figured I’d get things started.

Please feel free to say hello and share a bit about why you’re interested in film photography/videography, cameras and lenses, TONEZ, repairs, development, inspiration, or anything related to the “analog” hobby.
