Film Photography Discussion

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Adox golf 45 bellows repair

Adox golf 45 bellows repair

So my camera has developed light leaks in the bellow. I've been wondering how to approach the repair. I've found a suggestion to use a mix of gum Arabic and India ink to patch the holes. Is this a good idea? Or are there other methods?

Start 2's first roll

Start 2's first roll

I've shot my first roll with my start 2 camera and it seems that it has shutter problems and light leaks

Minolta VC-9 battery grip (for α9 / Maxxum 9) - Rechargeable AAs?

Minolta VC-9 battery grip (for α9 / Maxxum 9) - Rechargeable AAs?

Good afternoon!

I was wondering if anyone had experience with using rechargeable AAs (specifically Panasonic Enloops / Enloop Pros). I have yet to try them, but hypothetically they should work as they don't exceed the maximum voltage of 1.5 per cell. (They're 1.2 per cell, closer to what a disposable battery is part way through its life cycle)

I also was wondering if anyone has ever found rechargeable batteries that would work in the main body. I have yet to find one that isn't 3.7v (exceeding the normal 3v of the disposable ones) which would likely render the camera inoperable.

Thank you for your time :)

Metz 60 & 202 what flash-sync cable + battery

Metz 60 & 202 what flash-sync cable + battery

So I've got Metz 60 in a bundle of flashes but it came with no cable for syncing with cameras. Also Metz 202 came without charger & battery. What should I get to test (and potentially use) this unit.

Help needed in identifying lense mount

Help needed in identifying lense mount

So I've bought this sicor lense, the auction stated that it's a pk mount lense. I've tested it with my Pentax me super. It fits into the bayonet mount, but doesn't rotate.

Lab vs Home Development & Scan

Lab vs Home Development & Scan

Trying to make up my mind whether to continue home developing and scanning, or go back to using a lab. Thought I'd use this as a sounding board for my thoughts and for the sake of discussion.

So I've home developed for maybe five years now with mixed results. Mostly black and white, tried c41 but the chemical disposal is tricky where I am, and I don't shoot enough of it to keep fresh chemicals. I quite enjoy the development process actually, mad scientist in his bathroom laboratory and all that.

The scanning gets me though. Went from cheap flatbed to scanning with my Fuji XT4 and that helped. Getting a smoking deal on Fuji's native 80mm macro helped a lot more, but despite my efforts there's still a struggle with flat negatives, dust, water spots, and the digital workflow of cropping, inverting, colour balancing, dust cloning is sorta tedious. I shoot film partly to get away from screens but the edits take me way longer than my digital workflow. Often leaves me wondering if this is worth it? I started home developing so I could shoot more film, but for the amount of time and tedium it takes me, with mixed results, I've found myself shooting even less.

On the other side, I have a great lab semi local to me. They're a pro lab that works with you and caters specifically to your style with the scans so minimal edits. They scan on a Fuji Frontier at some pretty ridiculous resolutions and it always comes back way more sharp yet natural than my home efforts. The downside is pretty obvious though, they charge $30CAD per roll. Add the cost of film, shipping to send in a few at a time, it works out to about $1.50 per frame, which leaves me asking if this is worth it!

It's not entirely about the money though, as expensive as it is I could just sit down and do my job for the same time it takes me to develop and edit a roll and probably come out ahead.

Could argue just doing both, but I feel like I'd have a banger of a shoot that I didn't do justice with my own workflow, then get a bunch of impeccably processed and scanned lab images of an uninspired boring roll. Plus even more expired chemicals from doing less rolls in house.

Not a question of abandoning film entirely. Too much enjoyment from the using the gear, too much sentimental value using gear from friends and family who've passed.

I'm leaning towards going back to the lab, for a while at least, and see how I get on. Yeah it'll run $500-$1000 a year, but it's cheaper than drugs at least so there's that. Plus I could flip the Fuji macro and cover a year's worth of lab fees right there.

So that's my bit of a ramble, mostly just thinking out loud. Anyone ever go through a similar dilemma? Regret ditching the home kit and losing control of the entire process? Regret hours spent sloshing tanks around instead of out shooting?

Weird Development Issue

Weird Development Issue


I have mixed some ECN-2 chemistry according to Kodak's guide. Unfortunately I am having some issues with development.

The pictures at the end of the roll are way less dense than the start and middle. This happened to two distinct rolls in the same tank, and I don't think I just happened to underexpose the last 12 or so images on each.

here is the good part of a roll

Here is the extremely underdeveloped part of the same roll

The weird thing is that the edge markings are developed throughout the whole roll. Any idea why this is happening to me?

Hazy lense

My amar 4.5/105 looks hazy whith Iris opened up, closing the iris helps. Is there something I can do to make the lense sharp at 4,5?

You stop developing film for the better part of a year and \*suddenly\* the chemicals expire \*smh my head\* [#analog]( [#analogphotography](

You stop developing film for the better part of a year and \*suddenly\* the chemicals expire \*smh my head\* [#analog]( [#analogphotography](