Vegetable Gardening

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Ruby Red Radishes

Ruby Red Radishes

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Harvest yum! red potatoes, tomatoes, green and lemon cucumbers, squash, zucchini, patty pan squash, and pumpkins.

Harvest yum! red potatoes, tomatoes, green and lemon cucumbers, squash, zucchini, patty pan squash, and pumpkins.

How do you know when to pick green peppers? Whenever you want? At a certain size? These are jalapeños.

How do you know when to pick green peppers? Whenever you want? At a certain size? These are jalapeños.

What the heck is eating my kale?!

What the heck is eating my kale?!

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Album — Postimages

Album — Postimages
More “can you spot the squash vine borer egg?” After some practice, it gets easier to see the little rust colored eggs stuck to stems and immature flowers.

More “can you spot the squash vine borer egg?” After some practice, it gets easier to see the little rust colored eggs stuck to stems and immature flowers.

Gardeners! How was your week?

Gardeners! How was your week?

Hello! How was your week and what progress did you see in your garden? What are you happy or unhappy with? Time to share your experiences!

Personally I've been fighting a nasty invasion in my brassicas that destroyed the daikons. At least the broccoli looks okay.

On the good news front, I've been blessed with delicious lettuces that keep coming back, my beans are thriving, I get a new courgette every other day and I've seen my first cucumber flowers. Here's hoping they give me many fruits!

Our month of June was very hot and dry, but fortunately a good rain helped us this week. Water management is a challenge though, and I'm a bit torn between my desire for a good harvest and my efforts to keep watering to a minimum to avoid waste.