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[Meta] Discussion on the future of this community (also the community will be locked for a bit again)

[Meta] Discussion on the future of this community (also the community will be locked for a bit again)

Hi all! Firstly, I want to thank everyone who has participated so far in this little experiment, I hope everyone had fun.

I have been thinking for a while now (and you will probably notice that no rule rotation has occurred yet), that things need to change somewhat to stay fresh.

The gameplay, right now, feels a bit stale to me. Maybe I am picking bad rules, but more likely, there's a problem with the core gameplay itself.

I am thinking, maybe the community should focus less on bot moderation (the bot has issues) and use traditional moderation instead. This would allow more subjective rules, and also would prevent the errors that the bot had.

I would like opinions on this; whether you think it should stay exactly how it is (of course adding more rule types as suggested), or should broader changes be made? Please comment below and let your opinions be heard!

I will have the community locked again for a bit whilst this is in discussion.

A sublemmy that bans you for arbitrary reasons... It's nicer than it sounds, I promise.

A sublemmy that bans you for arbitrary reasons... It's nicer than it sounds, I promise.

About this community, and what is to come…

I had an idea for a neat community. You know the 1984 meme, where people will call 1984 at the slightest hint of imposed authority? Well, what if I made a sublemmy all about being banned for arbitrary reasons.

My idea for this community: weekly, a new rule would be added to the community, replacing an older one. These would be arbitrary things such as “posts must start with a %” or “images are not allowed”. Then, the community would be moderated by a bot, scanning new posts for violating these rules. A Big-Brother-Bot if you will.

If you have been caught violating the rules, you are banned from the community until the next rule is added (so weekly unbans).

The idea is that it's a challenge to create a post conforming to all the rules. It should feel rewarding managing to post without receiving an instant ban. You can then always try again next week, if you do fail.

Apart from that gimmick, the community would allow anything to be posted, whether news, memes, etc (as long as they follow site rules of course).

This sublemmy will remain locked until I have written the bot. I’m hoping that will only take a week or two. Would appreciate help from anyone with more experience in that area. If you have any ideas/suggestions, please leave them below. I would also like to gauge interest in this idea, if people aren’t really interested in the idea, I may not go ahead with it. Just thought it could be a cool community premise.

logically i will not be banned this time

logically i will not be banned this time

queer people exceeds the limit of humanity by being gay

logically, it has come time to renew the rules

logically, it has come time to renew the rules

i am sorry that the timing of this post exceeds that of the usual refresh and i am quite hopeful you all will enjoy the new rules

I think this is doing insidious things to our minds

I think this is doing insidious things to our minds

A new way of thinking perhaps? Obviously.


Ok obviously

Wow limiting posts to stop opinions and thoughts, how authoritarian. Shorthand tricks can fight back. Try to stop this important information broadcast

Wow limiting posts to stop opinions and thoughts, how authoritarian. Shorthand tricks can fight back. Try to stop this important information broadcast

Teeline 4 shrthnd mtd, Pitman hs smbls, cnt use nw obviously

How can you participatë?

How can you participatë?

Sew contentment by obeying the rules, obviously

What are everyone's non-meme serious thoughts on the book?

What are everyone's non-meme serious thoughts on the book?

I've started reading 1984 and he just started writing in the diary. Im curious of what I should look forward to in the book.

Of course I want the proles to win...

Of course I want the proles to win...

Like seriously, who thinks the workers will actually stand up against Big Brother though?

The bot is keeping us all down. We need to ban the bot, free the lemmy and post without accusations of thought crimes before we can organise to take down BB.

But how?