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unexplaineditem commented on How will I find financial stability if I live in a third world country with a toxic sociopathic/narcissistic mother, I have no skills (at least I think so), no time and therefore no money?

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I'm a trauma therapist, The Body Keeps the Score is very good for C-PTSD. You should also read Gabor Mate's books and watch his interview with Tim Ferris on YouTube. It's called Dr Gabor Mate on trauma, addiction, Ayahuasca and more. Read Richard Schwartz work around Internal Family Systems Therapy. He did an amazing interview with Rich Roll called Multiplicity of the Mind.

There's a lot of really good content online if you can't access a therapist. You want to start with making sure you can self regulate and self soothe and build from there. Somatic exercises will help you.

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unexplaineditem commented on What could be wrong with me?

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unexplaineditem commented on 22 cis woman. trying to find AFAB's who understand me rule

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Sending you love and soothing. I'm a non binary AFAB who was diagnosed with endometriosis over 10 years ago via laparoscopic surgery. Endo sucks. I'm coming to the end of my reproductive years, thank fark, it's been a painful ride.

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unexplaineditem commented on [30 Day Song Challenge: Alternative Edition] Day 2! An Alternative Song You Like With A Number In The Title

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46 & 2 - Tool