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HN82 commented on Antinatalismo no Brasil 🇧🇷

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Ecl, 4;2Isso me levou a considerar os mortos mais felizes do que os vivos, pois estes ainda têm que atravessar a vida! 3Todavia, mais feliz que ambos é aquele que ainda não nasceu, que não viu e não teve contato com a malignidade que se pratica debaixo do sol.…

Desculpa se nao for pertinente, mas este texto me lembrou desse trecho da bíblia, apesar de hj eu ser ateu, continuo achando relevante rs

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HN82 commented on jenga rule

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Obliteration for sure

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HN82 commented on NSFW Tag for drug use?

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When in doubt, use NSFW. I don't feel good when people make memes about crack or users because it directly affects me. I stopped following a community because of that. Thanks for asking anyway.

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HN82 commented on It did hurt, actually

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HN82 commented on It did hurt, actually

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Can you tell me what search engine you have been using, I have tried duck duck go but more of the same.

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HN82 commented on It did hurt, actually

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As if Google were still trustworthy

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HN82 commented on Rule

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I believe that if Jesus really exists he smiles every time a billionaire goes to hell

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HN82 commented on damn

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I'm just skin and bones man

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HN82 commented on damn

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I'm just not fat yet, and not sober either

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HN82 commented on One more day

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That's because it's a pill and not a joint, perhaps.