

Does anyone else have problems with F-Droid apps?

Does anyone else have problems with F-Droid apps?

I want to use F-Droid to download as many apps as possible for my phone, the only thing is I seem to have consistent issues with them. The ones that come to mind from the last week are as follows. They worked when installed from google play (irritatingly)

KDEConnect: Wouldn't download on F-Droid
AntennaPod: Notification remote wouldn't appear a lot of the time and it wouldn't work with android auto

Which way round is a wired computer mouse?

Which way round is a wired computer mouse?

Is the front of a computer mouse the arse of it due to the cable "tail" coming out of it, or is the front of a computer mouse the head of the mouse, as it is more of a correct shape?

Why are there so many stop signs on American streets?

Why are there so many stop signs on American streets?

I'm from the UK where in general there's only a stop sign if it's needed, such as a junction where you can see absolutely nothing on one side. Otherwise usually there's a give way line instead, to let people slow the car right down to look, but not need to stop if it's unnecessary.

Whenever I see a video of an American street, it seems like there's a stop sign everywhere I'd expect there to be a give way line. Surely this is inefficient as stopping and starting increases emissions, and stops the flow of traffic.

Is it really just the American government doesn't expect drivers to look properly? Is it so the police can give people tickets for not quite stopping but still doing the junction completely safely?