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DevopsPalmer commented on Wow, they really attacked gamers. Conservatives speedrunning how to be hated by everybody.

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Ha wow I never knew of that, TIL

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DevopsPalmer commented on Wow, they really attacked gamers. Conservatives speedrunning how to be hated by everybody.

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What the hell? Where does this context come from?

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DevopsPalmer commented on thanks for spreading the word donald!

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I had this argument with my parents and even after showing them proof and numbers it just turned around to illegal immigrants and what ever other BS that they parrot from Fox News. It really makes me sad to know they don't think for themselves or bother to cross check anything anymore

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DevopsPalmer commented on Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer

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Considering they are in a literal desert, they would have to be fairly sustainable to exist in the first place. Not saying it's not super impressive, my dad lived out there when they were building up a lot of the expanded infrastructure and he has some cool stories about how he saw the desert on the outskirts disappear as they added in all the water and transportation stuff

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DevopsPalmer commented on Cursed wretched marketing

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Ah this is a good point too, unfederated links could do it since the app wouldn't know how to open it, I use sync and links usually work but occasionally will open in the browser.

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DevopsPalmer commented on Cursed wretched marketing

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Depends on the Lemmy app you use and your phone preferences for app opening certain links in different apps ( e.g. PayPal specific links may open in the PayPal app)

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DevopsPalmer commented on Amber - the programming language compiled to Bash

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This is the complete review write up I love to see, let's not get into the buzzword bingo and just give me real world examples and comparisons. Thanks for doing the real work 🙂

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DevopsPalmer commented on All my real Americans from US State stand up!

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Contrary to popular belief, she will not find you more attractive if you also are from us state

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DevopsPalmer commented on The Taliban are working to woo tourists to Afghanistan

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TERRORIST IN SNEAKERS TAKING SELFIE - gotta love a good alt text

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DevopsPalmer commented on It's great being old

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But eventually you only watch the pilot every time because you forget. Everytime.