Why do you use firefox?

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  1. Mozilla's goals for the web line up quite nicely with my own.
  2. The performance is good for what I want.
  3. The extension API is more powerful than Chrome's.
  4. Outside of the Apple ecosystem, it's the last major alternative to the Chrome skins.
  5. It isn't actively trying to cripple adblockers.

Is not chromium, has a good UI, supports manifest v2, is open source and have native support for autoscrolling on linux

It also supports MV3 without removing the blocking WebRequest hook.

It's not Chrome or Chromium derived. Google has incentives to mine me for data. Mozilla, not so much. I don't trust Mozilla completely, but I certainly trust them more than Google to have my best interest at heart.

There are other reasons, but if I had to point only one word: containers.

Switched to Chrome a few years back when Firefox killed XUL and bundled too much bloatware.

Now I've switched back to Firefox because it's good again and Google is doing too many evil things lately (Web Integrity).

Supports extensions on mobile

The mobile version has addons like ublock-origin and bottom search bar. Plus, Chrome wants you to enjoy the web, which is full of ads. I don't, that's why.

Because it has tabs. Seriously, I first used Firefox back when IE6 was the norm, and Firefox brought tabs and better standard compliance. Haven't turned my back since.

Container tabs. No more need for separate chrome profiles.

Oh THAT'S how you do it? That was one feature of Chrome that I couldn't figure out how to do with Firefox. Thanks!

Glad I could help.

With treeview tabs it's even more awesome. Really loving Firefox, only recently got it. Only annoying thing is on Android it reloads tabs when I switch between apps.

  1. It's faster
  2. It's not chromium-based
  3. It can protect you from trackers and block ads
  4. Chrome may terminates Adblock-functionality extensions in Manifest V3 and Firefox wouldn't, afaik

Because it is fucking awesome.

Plus on mobile, I likes my ublock, dark reader, etc.

Ad blocking on desktop and mobile is awesome.

And it's vital to have multiple browser engines in the wild for interoperability. If we go all Chromium-based, we're going to eventually pay for that like IE6.

And Google is kind of an untrustworthy POS of a company these days.

I have been with Firefox, since it's inception. Never left it. And it never let me down.

Because I like having RAM to spare

Because I hate ads.

It's got a cool fox logo

A fellow old-schooler, I see! Me too!

One browser ruled by google is not good for anyone.

On Android it's the only reasonable choice so no question there.

On desktop I used Netscape/Phoenix/Firebird/Firefox/Conkeror for many years but switched to Chromium when I had to start over after the XUL-apocalypse. But lately I've been maintaining my Firefox setup more or less in parallel with Chromium and this week as it happens I am trying to make the switch back again. Mostly just to wean off the Google stuff. Will see how it goes.

Another (less-critical) motivation is that Chromium takes over 10 hours to build on my machine. Firefox is under 1 and it gets done way faster even if an LLVM or Rust build is involved too.

Simple, it is from an org that has been FOSS and user focused for decades. Compare that to a bunch of companies which have more or less been doing the opposite. As far as I am concerned, people are just nuts for using anything else. But people are free to do what they want.