My Review of Zardoz (1974)

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MC_Lovecraft Watches Lots of Movies! Review

Last night I watched Zardoz (1974) for the first time. The only thing I knew about this movie going into it is that it features Sean Connery wearing bandoliers and a speedo, and it certainly delivered on that front. From the very first moments, this film lets you know that it is going to be...

MC_Lovecraft Watches Lots of Movies! Review

I've been watching a bunch of older movies, mostly Sci-Fi and Exploitation flicks, and reviewing them on SufficientVelocity and Letterboxd. I might as well post them here as well, so here's a link to my most recent review on SV.

My Letterboxd reviews can all be found here, but the versions on SV frequently have additional information added as it occurs to me.