It's like winning a small lottery

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I once went on vacation with six other family members. There were eight people on the return flight. Just us and the guy who definitely wasn't an Air Marshall

Once I was on a mostly empty 777 flight across the US. I had the entire row (window to window) as well as the rows in front and behind me, all to myself. It was glorious.

I had a flight like this on Spirit airlines once.

The 5 or so people on that flight, myself included, ended up all clustered near the middle of the plane pounding shots of Tito's with one of the flight attendants to distract from the fact that it sounded like our plane was about to rattle apart in the sky.

I understand now why the Spirit Airlines flights are unpopulated.

I'm pretty sure you have a better chance winning the lottery.

My luck:

Last two passengers stumble onto the plane.

Flight attendant close the door.

They sit down in the empty seats next to me all covered in sweat and smelling not so fresh. "We had to run to make it."

Oh joy....

Nah, this has happened to me plenty of times, I have won the (one of the major ones anyways) lottery 0 times.

You must just be unlucky lol

I've had it happen at least a dozen times! Should I buy a lottery ticket, or have I wasted all of my luck?

Look at Mr Rich here flying Premium Economy.

Get on that united card

Bonus, it's on a multi hour international flight.

I witnessed this happen. Guy boards a few people after me, looks like he hasn't slept in a day. Walks miserably to the middle 5-wide row right before mine, moves to the center seat and buries his face in his arms to get a nap, then puts them down in resignation waiting for someone to take all his elbow room.

Every single seat on that plane was full except by some miracle his row. It didn't even fully register until we were in the air. Dude looked around like he was being pranked the entire time from when the door closed until the tires left the ground. As soon as the seatbelt signs turned off he put up all the arms and laid down across all five seats. He didn't move until we landed like 12 hours later.