He's on a quest for knowledge

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By this logic Canada should be called New Newfoundland


It's a province in the Netherlands. It's only \ few hundred km from legoland in Denmark - the dude should get out more - I bet he only goes to the central bit of Old Amsterdam.

A province in the Netherlands. Lots of sea there; translates "sea land".


Ah, so there's Zealand Classic. Thank you!

Damn, that makes total sense

translates to "sea land."

Ah sweet. Can I see Shamu?

Is the Epcot at Disneyland?

So named by famed Dutch explorer Abel Tasman


Who on his most famous voyage, mapped the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Fiji, New Zealand and Tasmania while managing to completely miss continental Australia.

Wait until they figure it out that Harlem is named after the Amsterdam suburb, since New York was originally New Amsterdam.

Also Brooklyn is named after Breukelen. Vancouver was named after Van Coevorden. Tasmania was named after Abel Tasman.

It's almost as if the Netherlands used to be relevant in world exploration

Never made the connection between Brooklyn and breukelen... Which is a lovely place btw.

I got my first covid shot in Breukelen because it was my only option. Later I would go through it to get to Utrecht because it is so much more beautiful than just taking the A2

Nice yeah I know exactly which road you mean, with the crazy houses.

The one that goes past Nyenrode, through Loenen

And Staten Island was named after the governing body of the Netherlands. Staten-Generaal (States-General)

Yonkers comes from the Dutch word Jonkheer. Which is a low ranking title of nobility similar to Squire. The guy that was granted the area was a Jonkheer.

We still are 😢

The world is pretty much all explored. 'We' are only relevant in supplying lithography machines to the chip industry. Oh and farmers.

Haarlem is not a suburb but it's own city, it is actually the capital of the North-Holland province.

Sorry, I think it might have been something lost in translation, I was trying to say "settlement located close by and heavily influenced by another much bigger settlement". I don't know a better word for it.

"Satellite city" might do the trick.

Fair enough, I just wanted to say that I meant no insult to the good people of Haarlem.

And the rest?

I think suburb in English can mean nearby cities, too. For example, Alexandria, Virginia is a suburb of Washington, DC.

Wait, it's all Randstad?

Always has been.

This is closer in spelling: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zealand 😂

That article literally says the other one is what New Zealand is named after.


What is denis YT doing in lemmy

"Trust you? You don't even know where New Zealand is."

"You can dance your way there from Old Zealand...."

"...that's China."

"YOU'RE China!"

That's an outrageous accusation.

“You’re an idiot, J.D.”

Why they changed it, I can't say...

People just liked it better that way.

Even old New York was once New Amsterdam

there is actually an indie game in which old zealand exists, it's called nuclear drifter and is a bit like the first fallout games, it's pretty fun and you should check it out on steam, it's even free I think

Underwater actually. Zealandia did exist

Zeeland still exists, it's between Zuid-Holland and Belgium

stop making up country names, funny man.

Zealandia is not old Zealand.... The name comes from a province in the Netherlands.


Unbelievable, I would never have guessed

We know where the old one is and it's basically on all world maps - it's the New Zealand that keeps disappearing from them.

That would be straya