Happy Bungie Day!

I wanted to make this post to remind you all of two things going on for Bungie day! First, there's the fishing derbies taking place today, with two more coming as of this post. Taken from the 7/6/23 TWID yesterday, here's some details for those interested in competing:

As part of our Bungie Day celebration, we’ve got a series of community fishing derbies for players to compete in for those that want to really dive deep into this Season’s fun. To compete, Guardians will need to catch as many fish as possible within a given time frame. There will be five fishing derbies, which will be one hour each, spread out throughout the day to help you find a good time to participate:

  • Alpha Derby at 2 AM PST at 2 AM PST
  • Bravo Derby at 6 AM PST at 6 AM PST
  • Charlie Derby at 10 AM PSTat 10 AM PST
  • Delta Derby at 2 PM PSTat 2 PM PST
  • Echo Derby at 6 PM PSTat 6 PM PST

The top three scorers from each of the five derbies will be highlighted in next week’s TWID as well as receive a special Bungie Foundation Digital Prize Pack that contains the following items:

  • Heartful Shell Exotic Ghost, fully equipped with heart bubbles galore.
  • Blue Blood Cells, this year’s Bungie Day Giving Festival emblem.
  • Helium Hearts, give your bestie something to lift their spirits.
  • Bungie Day emblem bundle. Every Bungie Day emblem released over the past five years.

If one person wins multiple derbies, we will award the next highest scorer. With the Lucky Perk that went live at reset this week, you’ll have a chance to catch double the number of Exotic fish while scoping out your favorite hot spots for some chill time. Ready to tally up? Here’s what you need to know on the scoring:

  • Junk = 0 points
  • Uncommon = 1 point
  • Rare = 2 points
  • Legendary = 5 points
  • Exotic = 20 points

Oh, and did we mention increased reputation gains across the board for Rituals until July 11? Because that’s pretty sweet too.

And of course, the Bungie Foundation is running a whole bunch of stuff for charity. You can read the Bungie Day Giving Festival article here, which goes into full detail of what's going on, what rewards are offered, and more.

For those that don't know what the Bungie Foundation does, here's an excerpt from the article detailing some of the work they've done, as well as some of the goodies you can receive for donating:

Before we chat shiny things, we want to talk about the real-world impact your support is having in the world. We finished 2022 raising more than $5 million for charity across all campaigns. Simply put, that is astounding! Thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts, for your generosity.

Your support enabled us to onboard three new partner hospitals into the Little Lights program, which provides pediatric patients with iPads containing age-appropriate entertainment, therapeutic play, and education applications to provide comfort, distraction, and a sense of normalcy to their hospital experience. You also ensured that we could continue our funding of the groundbreaking anti-racist character creation research, led by the talented team at Yale University, and you helped us provide STEM scholarships to incoming freshmen who would otherwise be unable to afford a college education. And you provided life-saving funding for low-income communities around the world who have been – and will be – impacted by natural or socio-political crisis.

When 2023 started out with the devasting earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the Bungie community immediately leapt into action. In less than a week, you raised over $300,000 that went directly to life-saving relief efforts through our partners Direct Relief and International Rescue Committee. Most recently, the community truly embodied the call to “Stand with Asians” with your support of the Harmonic Waves emblem, raising over $100,000 for International Community Health Services.

And with that, I wish you all a wonderful 7/7! Go forth and donate, and celebrate the wonderful gaming experiences Bungie has created for us with Destiny, Halo, Marathon, and more.